Comic Books and Ice Cream Cones

Kill Me Romanticaly

(Gerard's POV)

My date with Lyn-Z went good. She was really into me and I liked her too. We talked for a while, it turned out that we like the same type of music and had some stuff in common. Which is a good thing I guess, unless of course you count the fact that I liked Lyndsay way more.

So after my date, when I returned to the tour bus, I found everyone sitting in the living room and told them about it. To be quite honest, I sugar-coated it a little to make it seem like we were really clicking. To make sure that no one would guess my true feelings.

I got a little worried when Lyndsay sprung up from the coach and sprinted to the bathroom, and the sounds of her getting sick filled the bus causing every one else to cringe. The words that came next though, the one's that Frank Iero said himself, made my heart shatter and my mind spin.

"Hey Bob, you should go check on your girlfriend and make sure she's alright." Frankie said to the older man that was sitting next to him. I felt tears brim in my eyes and quickly blinked them away, Bob was dating Lyndsay?

I couldn't believe my deceiving ears and for the first time in my life, I really, truly wished I was deaf. So I wouldn't have had to bare witness to that dreadful sentence.

Bob nodded and got up to walk back to comfortmy Lyndsay.

"So, they're dating now?" I asked no one in particular, feeling a lump tighten in my throat as I choked on my own words.

"Yeah, why? Do you have a problem with it?" Frank asked, cocking an eyebrow and smirking at me. Oh, how I hated that smirk! As if he knew something I didn't, the nerve of him to suspect that Bob and Lyndsay dating would have any affect on me.Of course it would.

"No." I scoffed, trying to collect the thoughts that were swirling freely in my mind as I heard the toilet flush in the background. My head pounded knowing that he was probably hugging her, rubbing her back, and whispering comforting words to her right now, all things that I should be doing. Not him! What did he do to deserve her?

Just then the happy couple walked back from the bathroom. The sight of Bob with his arm around her waist made my skin crawl, that should be me. Yes, at this moment in time I sound completely egotistical and self centered, but really most of the time I'm a nice, caring guy.

"So... You guys are together?" My brother asked, as if it wasn't obvious enough! The way they sat together on the couch next to Frank, all cuddled up made me want to curl up in a ball and sob.

"Yeah, we just got together today." Bob replied nonchalantly. I couldn't take this any more, looking at them and knowing that now I'll never have a chance. I shook my head and stormed back into the bunk area, I slid into my bunk with ease and closed my privacy curtain.

I just let go of all the emotions I had tried to keep quiet when I was in the living room. My body shook with my silent sobs as tears flowed down my face, why couldn't she have liked me?

I know I sound completely and utterly pathetic right now, but you have to understand my point of view. I happen to really like this girl, she's amazing! Not only in her looks but we're so alike!

I really wanted her to be mine, and Bob just came in a ruined it! Well, I guess she might have taken the date with Lyn-Z the wrong way, but I honestly wasn't even sure if she was into guys that much. I know she said she had a boyfriend before moving, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be bisexual or turned lesbian.

So here I am, a pathetic, sniffling mess, laying in my bunk. I was really beginning to hate myself. Thinking it over I decided that maybe since I couldn't have her, I could have the next best thing Lyn-Z. Maybe, she could come to the show tonight... Oh FUCK! I completely forgot about the show!

I rolled out of my bunk and jogged into the living room to find everyone just sitting around.

"Hey, did anyone happen to remember that we have to perform in an hour?" I said, slightly worried. By the looks on their faces, I think it's safe to say that no one else really remembered either.

"Fuck!" and "Shit!" Were the most common profanities to be heard buzzing around the small room as we all leaped up and began scrambling around to get ready. Tonight would definitely be eventful.

(Lyndsay's POV)

I sat on the couch while the boys ran frantically around the bus trying to either find pants, eyeliner, a missing shoe, or (in Ray's case) his fro pick. It was kinda funny from my aspect, I'm sure non of the guys would find it as humorous though. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to thoughts of Bob and Gerard.

Would he fall for our plan? He certainly seemed either angered or upset when we came back, it made me want to just go over and hug him and tell him that everything would end up okay. But, I couldn't promise that, simply because nothing ever comes out like planned. There's always some unknown factor that decides to fuck everything up in the process, just for kicks and giggles.

Those thoughts brought me to think of Bob. If our plan was ever caught onto, his friendship with Lyn-Z would go to shit. Was I really selfish enough to risk that for him? More importantly, what if Gerard found out and that started a huge fight with Frankie and Bob? What would happen to the band? But, they're all old enough to settle things civilly, right?

On the other hand, I know that none of us would spill, so how would anyone even find out? what are they going to do, suddenly develop mind-reading powers and infiltrate our thoughts? I think not.

"You're going to come watch us right?" Frank asked, standing in front of me with his hands on his hips in a girlie state.

"Yeah, of course!" I said getting up and heading over to the door to slip on my Converse. I followed the rest of the guys out the door and into the venue, just twenty minutes before show time so they could warm up.

I took a seat on an abandoned couch in their dressing room as they got prepared. Over the past week or so I had observed their before hand rituals.

Such as, Mikey would always text Alicia before going on stage and then do some jumping jacks. Ray would gargle water whilst doing finger exercises. Frank would put in his earphones and head bang to Black Flag for ten minutes before downing a cup of coffee. Bob would sit in a corner and close his eyes in thought as his hands ran through drumming motions And, Gerard would do some stretches and jump while warming up his voice by singing random songs and vocal scales.

I looked admiringly at them as they each did their own thing. I admit my eyes lingered on Gee for a little longer then intended, especially when he leaned over to pick up his bottle of water, but I eventually looked away... When he caught me staring.

Soon enough it was time for the guys to take the stage while I sat on the side and watched the performance. I loved the energy these guys put towards their performance, you really got a feel that the place was filled with electricity.

Every once in a while one of them would look over at me and grin, I would of course smile and wave while bobbing my head to the beat. I saw from my spot on the side that Lyn-Z was up against the barricade on the floor, grinning up at Gerard like a love sick puppy.

To say that pissed me off was an understatement. Why did she have to be here? It was just going to make things harder for me! What if Gerard had invited her to come watch? They weren't a couple yet... Or were they? My head swam in sickening thoughts of the two of them holding hands and cuddling, smooching on the beach, having kids, and every other nightmare that could possibly happen.

That was supposed to be my man.

But, I was to much of a chicken to do anything about it. I couldn't tell him how I felt if I wanted to, it was entirely up to him to make the first move. Until then I would just try and taunt him with Bob.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, you can thank Ludo for the story title because I've had the song 'Love Me Dead' stuck in my head all day long, lol. Poor Gerard and Lyndsay, haha.

Comments make me all warm and fuzzy inside! And they keep me happy! They're the Frankie to my skittles! =D

Editor: IeroOnACookiePlatter
Yay for her tolerating my idiotic ideas! =]