Status: Inactive


Chapter Four

Surprisingly my day at Helzberg Diamonds went slow, which was nothing normal for me. I enjoyed working there, it was always the highlight of my day; but for some reason today I could not wait to return to my house.

Shortly following closing the shop at nine I left the store and jumped into my car. The darkness in this back alley is being chased by the street lights on the main street, and I can see the fog that is seemingly raising from the ground. I reverse and head out onto the main street, anticipating arriving home.

By the time I arrive home it is almost 9:30 pm, right on time as usual. Night seems to be easier to obtain my time limits. I walk into my apartment and check my answering machine. One New Message it repeats to me.

"That's abnormal," I whisper waiting for the message to play. I never get phone calls. The message seems to be a prank call where someone sits there and lets the silence fill the air. But as I come close to deleting it I hear a voice.

"Hello Dakota," the speaker begins. The voice sounds familiar. "Just wanted to make sure that you received my note from the cafe. Wondering if you've figured out who I am yet, or," there was a slight pause. "Has the last four years of running away made you forget me?" I breathe out realizing I had been holding my breath through the duration of the message. "Anyway, I'll be at the cafe again tomorrow morning, I know you'll be working there. We'll see if we can catch up. Okay?" Then there was a quiet laugh and the message ended.

The mysterious black haired woman had once again succeeded in confusing me. I couldn't make out where I should remember her from. Her eyes, the piercing stare remained in my vision until I crawled into bed at exactly 10:30 pm.
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