I Can't Believe I Didn't Say This Sooner

Emily Sullivan, the little sister of Avenged Sevenfold drummer The Rev, is on tour with him and his band. She has been in an ongoing relationship with the bands lead singer Matt Sanders for awhile, but things have been getting sketchy. The band must watch as Matt and Emily fight and bicker constantly.

Until one day, Zacky Vengeance -who has been secretly holding a love for Emily, his best friend- watches a fight turn into so much more. And Emily must choose what to do.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own any of Avenged Sevenfold. I wish I did though!!
  1. The Living Hell
    just an intro type chapter
  2. The Love
  3. The Fight
  4. The Fight
  5. The Talk
  6. The Goodbye
  7. The End
    LAST chapter