I'd Run Away With You

Forbidden Wants

Gerard's POV
"Presenting, Her Majesty, Avalon Valeria Di Cicco, Princess of Italy." The crowd cheered as she walked gracefully on to the stage. God, she was beautiful. I had seen her in interviews and she was funny, smart and just seemed so at ease with herself and her life. A life I could never be part of. Why..why did I have to have such random, scary feelings for this girl I could never get close to??

Avalon's POV
I walked off the stage and my face fell. God Almighty I HATED this. It was my worst fucking nightmare having to stand up in front of loads of people and smile, wave, pretend everything was brilliant and I was living the life of Riley. This whole princess shit was a mask I wore, not out of choice. I had to. It was "my duty to my people." Or so I'd been told. People thought I was this sweet, dress wearing, smiling, elegant girl. In reality I was an outcast, a reject, forced into a world I didn't want to be in. My entire life was dictated for me. I was told what I would be doing, where, when, how..the list was endless. I craved just a tiny bit of freedom. If I had one wish that would be it. For just a day of freedom from the hell that I was trapped in. "Avalon! Come, we are returning to the hotel for drinks and supper with the Chancellor." ARGH! This tour of America, wtf?? Why? Sighing, I dragged myself to the car, tripping as I went. Damn these heels. Hadn't they learnt I couldn’t walk in them?? Plus the dress. Grrrr.
No-one was around. Finally, a moment of peace and quiet, all to myself. This supper was going to be hell. Again. It was always the same people, the same mindless "conversations." They always asked the same questions, it never changed. I stared out at the view before me. Just for one night. What was stopping me? I made my decision and just as my mother yelled "AVALON ARE YOU READY?" I climbed off the balcony and into freedom. I wandered through the streets of New York until I came to what I guessed was Central Park. I found a tree and sat under it, staring up at the sky and everything around me. It felt so nice to be alone, with no one telling me what to do for once in my life. Suddenly I felt a presence beside me. I looked up to see a boy looking down at me. His eyes grew wide and he stuttered, "Uh..um..I'm really sorry."
"No it's ok!" I said, surprising myself. I sucked at talking to guys. Especially cute ones such as this one. He stared at me again, clearly surprised. "What's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Ava."
"I thought yo-"
"Yeah..I prefer people calling me Ava."
"Oh." He was shy. Possibly shyer than me, which I didn't think was possible but nothing's impossible I guess. He had long black hair which covered his face and from what I could see, quite pale skin. In short, he was adorable.

Gerard's POV
I couldn't believe it. I was talking to HER. She was sitting next to me, in Central Park, talking to me. She was even more beautiful in real life than on TV, and she was shy, which was surprising, but cool in a weird way. I'd have been even more nervous if she wasn't. She always managed to give the impression that she was an outgoing person, apparently not though. "How did you get out?" I asked, I was so nervous of saying something stupid.
"Um..climbed down the balcony."
"Rebel!" I said laughing. She laughed along with me. "More like desperation."
"So you don't like all of this? I mean you give the impression that you do.."
"I hate it. With all my heart and soul, I crave for freedom. My life is dictated, everything I do is watched. It's a nightmare. People think it would be amazing to be in my position, I would happily give it up to anyone who wants it. I hate the dresses, I hate the people, they're always the same, I hate the fact I'm made to walk in high heels, I hate that I can't go to one gig, I hate that I can't go anywhere without some fucktard guard following me." She paused, "Sorry."
"It's ok. Sounds like you needed to let that out."
"Yeah..pent up much." I smiled at her and saw she was looking at me. Wow, her eyes were amazing. They were green with a hint of hazel and they shone in a way I'd never seen before. "I should get back." She said sounding quite upset about the idea. "Oh ok." I replied, "Do you want me to walk you back?"
"No, it's ok. Thanks though."
"Well, if you ever feel the need to escape again, um, give me a call." I said. She smiled at me, and for a moment I thought she was going to laugh at me. I wouldn't have been surprised, but instead, she held her arm out with a pen, "I don't have any paper." I wrote my number down on her arm, and she smiled, hugged me and walked off, back to her life.

Avalon's POV
Oh God, oh God, oh God. Why now? Why here? Why not back home? Why did this guy have to have this effect on me when we'd only just met and I lived thousands of miles away from him? Was this another test, to see if I'd make it through another obstacle thrown in front of me? Another play on my heart, my dreams? I felt the tears well up as I realised we could never call each other ours, we'd never hold each other, he'd be a memory.
A dream that was never realised.
A want.