I Won't Go Down By Myself

I'm A Fan Of Your Work

"There you go, Lexie." Sarah tossed her purple notebook on he table in front of Lexie and watched as her face lit up. "You can read what I've got as long as you don't beg me for melons today."

"Uh-huh, sure," she replied, alread engulfed in the pages.

"What's that?" Ayla asked.

"Oh, it's just my english project. Lexie begged me to read it when I was done."

"You're done?"

"No, but I've got some stuff."

"Can I read it?"

"Yeah, when Lexie's done."

"Alright. Oh, that reminds me," she added, "Lexie, Frankie wants some of those ninja stars you had. He threw one in history today and it hit Mr. Peters right in the back of the head. He flipped." Ayla laughed as she spoke. "Frank is seriosuly good with those. He said he'd come by later on."

"Uh-huh," Lexie replied abentmindedly.

"So yeah, you might want to make a couple, before he comes."


"Hey, Lexie," Sarah called, a smirk gracing her face. "Barney fucked your mom."

That seemed to snap her out of it. She looked up and smiled.

"Barney loves you, but he loves your mom more!"

"Total fucking score," Sarah snickered.

"Who scored?" Sarah turned to see a moppy head of dark brown hair, a lip piercing, and a huge smirk. She vaguely recognized this boy from Saturday, except now, he looked a bit shorter. "Ah, so you're the one who crushed Mikey? I'm a fan of your work."

"Um, thanks," she laughed.

"Hey Frankie!" Aylas voice rang.

"Oh, so this is the mischievious 'Frankie' I've been hearing so much about? Well, I am a huge fan of you work, then. Anyone who can out-do these guys is a friend of mine."

"Why thank you!" he smiled. "So, what exactly have you heard about me?"

"Well, from the sound of it, it appears that wit and sarcasm are your specialties."

"Then you heard right. So, Lexie, did Ayla ask for those ninja stars?"

"What ninja stars?"

"Are you kidding me?" Ayla sighed.

"Is that a no?" Frankie wondered.

"Okay, let's put it this way, Lex. Does 'Barney fucked your mom' sound familiar?"

"Of course."

"Well, she asked before that."

"Oh. Okay then. Sorry, Frank. Here, hold up, and I'll make you one."

As Lexie proceeded to rip a piece of pape from the purple notebook and begin folding various corners. Frank sat down on the bench beside Ayla and waited. As he did so, Sarah couldn't help but notice the smile that found its way to Ayla's lips.

"Hey! Don't I get a say in this?" Sarah questoned, staring incredulously at what was once a part of her notebook.

"Okay. Sarah, can I have a piece of paper?" she asked, not even looking up from her work.


"Thanks...and done. There you are Frankie." She handed him her masterpiece.

"Hah, awesome. This little baby is going into Mrs. Johnson's hair tomorrow," he stated, waving the four-pointed inja star in front of him. "Thanks Lexie. Oh, by the way, what was your name?"


"Alright. Well, I'll see you guys tomorow. Bye," he wave as he turned and left.

Ayla watched as he walked out of the patio and went back into the cafeteria. She looked up and met Sarah and Lexie's mirrored smirks.


"Frankie!" they chimed in unson.

"What about Frankie?"she asked with a sheepish smile.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know."

"Alright, if you want to play it like that, let's play," Sarah smirked. "It's only a mater of time before I get something out of you."

"Like hell it is," Aya laughed. "Now give me the notebook. I want to see it."

"Nice try, but you won't get off that easy," Lexie said, waving the book just out of Ayla's reach.

Ayla got up, snatched the notebook, and buried her face in the pages. Hard as she tried, though, she just couldn't hide those flushed red cheeks from her two best friends.

They knew her too well for that.