I Won't Go Down By Myself

That's Basically All You Need To Know

Sarah looked up at a hysterically laughing Ayla on the bench before her.

"I don't know what's so funny. If I do recall, you have been in a few predicaments yourself."

"Oh really?" she questioned skeptically. "Name one."

"Aright," Sarah began as she pulled herself back onto the bench. "Remember last Christmas?"

A look of sad realization swept over Ayla as Sarah continued.

"Your new computer, your parent's new television, and the microwave all had extensive ammounts of bubble wrap in their boxes. You wanted to play with it."

"Do you have to go there?" Ayla pleaded.

"Yes, now don't interrupt," she scolded. "So Lexie and I finish wrapping her up, head to toe in bubbles. Well, little miss eager her decided she wanted to go downstairs and flaunt it. Doesn't even make it to the first step and she starts rolling down. Definately a grand entrance, I'll give her that."

"Ah, that was a good day," Lexie sighed. "We should do it again!"

"So, there you go. We're idiots. That's basically all you need to know about us three."

"Well, I don't think we're going to have to worry much about that," Mikey replied, glancing over at Frank.

"What?" he asked with a blank look.


"No, I want to know, what?" he laughed. "Are you trying to imply something, Mr. Way?" He turned his head an stuck up his nose. "I am offend!" he said in mock hurt.

"Aw, don't worry, Frank," Lexie cooed. "We still love you."

"Well at least someone does," he sniffed.

Suddenly, the bell rang or the end of lunch, breaking up all the groups that had gathered in the patio.

"Damnit. The best period of the day is also the shortest!" Lexie complained, receiving immediate support from the others.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Ayla wondered.

"Maybe it's cruel proof of the whole 'time flies' theory."

"God, Sarah," Lexie sighed. "It's amazing how you can sound so nerdy wihout even trying."
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Yes, fillers, but I had to put this in somehow and I couldn't figure out any other way. I'll make something more relevant next chapter, or so. =]