I Won't Go Down By Myself


Sarah arrived in math the next morning to find Mikey flipping though her notebook at their table. Eager to finally get an opinion on her creation she quickened her pace and headed towards her seat.

"Morning" she called in her usual grog.

"Hey," he smiled, looking up from the pages. "Oh, here's your notebook."

"Thanks. Did you get a chance to read it?" She asked, trying not to sound too eager.

As much as she hated to think about it, she really did need an opinion on it. It was due tomorrow, so if this idea flopped, Sarah wouldn't have many options left.

'Please let this work,' she prayed.

"Yeah, actually."


"Well..." He paused for a moment, carefully planning his response. "It's different. Not many people would write something like this, let alone handle it like that."

"Okay.....and that's a good thing or a bad thing?" Needless to say, it wasn't the response she had been hoping for.

"It's a good thing," he said after a second.

Awesome! Her story passed as normal! Now all that was left was to type it up, then it would be smoothe sailing. She let out a small sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Mikey."

"Don't mention it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I finally posted it! It's on my profile and I'll get the link later.
Oh, and I promise that this story thing is going somewhere. =]