I Won't Go Down By Myself

Can I Get A Virgin Cuba Libre, Please?

Ayla pulled the car ouside of Jerry's and let the other two girls out. They walked inside and searched for Frank and Mikey.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Frankie got up from a booth by the door and walked over to the girls. Mikey and a dark haired boy about his height followed suit and stood behind Frank.

"Guys, this is my brother, Gerard. Gerard, this is Sarah, Lexie, and Ayla." Mikey introduced them all, pointing to each one respectively.

"Okay," Frank sighed. "So now that we're all here..."

"Hi! Welcome to Jerry's!" the hostess greeted. "Would you like a table or a booth?"

"Booth please," Mikey answered. With a permanent smile, the hostess grabbed six menus and lead them to a round booth in the back of the dining room.

"Someone will be with you shortly to get your drinks." The six slid into the booth, with Mikey in the middle, surrounded by Gerard and Sarah. Lexie and Frank took up the ends, leaving Ayla between Frank and Gerard.

"So, Mikey," Ayla called from above her menu, "How old are you now?"


"Geez, that's dinosaur old." Just then, the waiter came for the drinks.

"What can I get you all?" He went around the table, getting everyone's order, when he got to Sarah.

"Um, can I get a virgin Cuba Libre, please?" she asked with a knowing smile.

"Whoah, aren't you a little young to know the terminology?" Gerard asked with a laugh.

"Wait a minute, what is that?" Mikey asked him.

"Don't tell him, Gerard," Sarah smirked.

"Why not? It's my birthday, after all. I deserve to know."

"Trust me," she smirked. "It's worth the wait."

"So," Ayla interrupted. "What do you do, Gerard?"

"Actually, I'm in art school up in New York."

"That's cool. What's your major?"

"Cartooning," he stated. Lexie's jaw hit the table.

"Are you serious!?"


"I fucking need to be you," she sighed.

"Oh yeah," Sarah scoffed. "This coming from the girl who hates school."

"Oh hush, you know I'd die to go to art school." The waiter returned with their beverages, handing a tall glass of dark liquid to Sarah.

"Alright, Mikey," she said, popping in a straw. "Try this and tell us what you think." Mikey carefully took a sip as the table watched in anticipation. Sarah smirked when she saw his face drop.

"Oh my God," he laughed. "It's just fucking Coke."
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Okay, Nat, Soph, that was for you guys. Now NO MORE!