I Won't Go Down By Myself

I Don't Buy It

"So wasted..."

Sarah had her face buried in her arms atop the desk as she sat in the dangerously bright math class. Had it always been this loud? All Sarah wanted was the comfort of her soft, plush bed back at home, but instead she received a cold, hard chair and a bright white board. Oh well, at least she had some of Mikey's brownie left over!

No wait, that was her mathbook. No wonder it looked so big...

"You need coffee," Mikey smiled as he slid in next to her.

"You can say that again," she groaned.

"Alright. You need coffee."

"How come I'm the one who's all wasted and you're sitting there awake and functional? It was YOUR party."

"I don't know. How come you're so wasted anyways? You fell asleep during the movie, after all." Sarah's eyes flew open. He remembered that? Trying to ignore that last bit, she quickly responded.

"Yeah, I stayed up bugging Ayla for a while. I couldn't sleep anyways."

"So she's wasted too?"

"Nope. Just me. I guess I'm just special like that." Sarah sighed and returned to her position, curled up on the desk. She tried, with little success, to once again escape the bright lights. "Oh," she snickered, "has Frank mentioned anything about last night?"

"Heh, you know something? It was my birthday, and yet, he's was the one who got the party," he said in disbeleif.

"Oh, Mikey, if you wanted a party, all you had to do was ask."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm good." He held his hand up and smiled, amused by such a forward remark.

"I'm sorry," she laughed, "but you walked right into it."

"I know." He smirked for a minute before returning to the topic a hand. "No, he didn't say anything."

"Hmm. Ayla said it was only to 'give us something to talk about,' " she said, using air-quotes for emphasis.

"I don't buy it."

"Not even for a second," Sarah laughed.

"Yeah. Frankie may have made it seem like that, but before long..."

"The blinds are going to come up? Yeah, it doesn't matter. Ayla's practicaly wrapped around his finger already," she laughed.

"She'd have to be to just play into Frank like that."

"Hmm, they're in english right now. Together....." Ayla thought about last night and could only imagine what they were doing now. She shuddered at the possibilities. "I hope Lexie's alright."
♠ ♠ ♠
So wasted.... no really. I almost can't write.
But I do it for you, loyal reader. =] Love you!
Comments? Please and thank you. =D