I Won't Go Down By Myself

It's No Big Deal

Ayla pulled her car into the parking lot and found a spot near the front. The three girls piled out and bought their tickets. They walked into the arcade and the electronic sound of video games and a child's Las Vegas enveloped them.

"Dude, let's go on the roller coaster," Ayla sugested. "I call front car."

"I want to ride with Ayla!" Lexie sang.

"Over my dead body, you do. I want the first car."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, you can't have what you can't catch!" Lexie yelled, shoving Sarah to the side. She took off through the arcade and out the back door, into the sunny park beyond.

"Damn right, you can't!" Sarah laughed, chasing after her best friend.

"What about me!?" Ayla called after the two blurrs. Running to catch up with them, she headed toward the roller coaster. Lexie and Sarah were already there, out of breath and laughing.

"I so beat you," Sarah said as she sat on the bar separating the lanes.

"You so did not."

"Oh really? Then why am I in front of you in line?"

"You know what?"

"What?" Lexie made a move to shove Sarah off the bar. Sarah flinched in anticipation, sending herself flying backwards over the bar. Trying to steady herself, she grabbed Ayla's shoulder, pulling her down as well.

"Ow! Goddamnit, Lexie!" Apart from her groaning, Sarah heard some laghter that she didn't recognize. Looking up, she saw two tall guys, one with long black hair, one with brown hair and a lip piercing, doubled over in fits of laughter. Suddenly, she reaized just why they were laughing so hard.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" she gasped as she got off the chesnut-haired, bespectacled boy she had landed on. "Are you okay?" She offered him some help.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he groaned as he pulled himself up.

"Wow, Mikes. What's it like having girls fall all over you?" the boy with the black hair laughed.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Let's see how you like it."

"Why? Just...why?" Sarah asked no one in particular. She buried her blushing face in her hands, completely mortified.

"I am brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" Lexie laughed, rather maniacly.

"Well, for that, I think I deserve to be in the front car."

"It was my plan, I deserve it more!"

"It was totally spontanious! Besides, I exectued it, and possibly injured someone in the process!"

"Will you two SHUT UP!? You know what? You two can have the car! I don't want it anymore!" Ayla crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from the two.

".....Damnit," Sarah whimpered. "Now I don't want it."

"Whoo hoo! More room for me!"

"Yeah. If you want it, you'd better go snag it now." Sarah pointed to the cars pulling into the seating station. "The gates are going to open pretty soon. I'll ride with Ayla behind you."

Everyone took their seats on the coaster. Lexie, of course, had the front car, along with the boy with long black hair. Behind them, Sarah had sat with Ayla, followed by the other two boys.

"Sorry I pulled you over like that," Sarah appologized on the way up.

"Heh, not as sorry as the guy you landed on."

"Oh! Why do you always do that?" she groaned.

"Relax," Ayla cooed. "You'll probably never see him again. It's no big deal."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Yes. Yes I am. Hey, on the way down, we so have to put our hands up."

"Of course!" The cars glided across the final stretch of track before the big drop. "Whoo!"

"Save me, Billie Joe Armstrong!"