I Won't Go Down By Myself

I Was Thirsty

Ayla sat with her elbows on the table, holding her spork in front of her. She spun it lightly as she spectulated the little plastic untensil.

"Who the hell created this thing?" she slowly wondered. "It's, like, magical. I can totally eat Fruit Loops with this!" This earned her a set of blank looks from her friends. Unfortunately, she was too wrapped up in her spork to care, or even notice.

"I say Cocoa Puffs," Frank added. More blank stares.

"Trix has you guys beat!" Sarah smiled. "You know what I always wondered? Why they don't give the damn rabbit the cereal. I mean, come on. Plus, doesn't he have like an entire factory of them?"

"I know! It's the same thing with Lucky Charms! Of course," Lexie smirked, "I think it would be a bit controversial if they did get Lucky." Snicker, snicker.

After a few minutes more of cereal talk, Sarah stood up and nudged Ayla.

"I want some Gatorade. Come with me?"


"Please?" she pouted.

"I don't wanna go!" she whined. Ayla laced her fingers through the metal grating of the table top as Sarah began tugging on her shoulder. "NUUUUUUU!" After numerous attempts to detatch her, Sarah gave up.

"Fine then! I'll go by myself!" She turned and walked towards the soda machine at the end of the courtyard. Inserting her two dollars, she punched some numbers and bent down to retrieve her fruit punch sports drink. As she made her way back to the table, she saw none other than Ayla heading towards her, following behind Frank as if she were on a short leash.

"What the hell, man?"

"What?" Ayla wondered innocently.

"I was thirsty," Frank smirked.

"You two are pathetic," Sarah sighed as she took a sip of her Gatorade and walked away.
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Heh, totally stupid, but I wanted to put it in somewhere. No better time than the present, eh? Love you guys.