I Won't Go Down By Myself

Not Even Billie Joe Armstrong Can Save You

"I like funnel cake," Ayla murmered as she picked a piece off the plate in front of her. "Lexie, eat some. Me and Sarah can't finish all of this by our selves." They sat at a table, under a large green umbrella, enjoying their lunch, chatting between sips of soda and bites of pizza.

"No." Lexie stared skeptically at the small cake, a slightly disgusted look on her face. "I honestly don't know how you can eat that."

"The same way you can eat lamb chops. Before I went veggie, I used to hate those things." Sarah shuddered at the thought, then returned happily to her slice of cheese pizza.

"Oh, come on! I told you, I ate them once! And besides, they were better than that fried sponge," she said, pointing at the half-eatten dessert.

"Oh yeah?" Sarah retorted. "Prove it."

"How? You're a vegetarian."

"Exactly! You can't! Thus proving that funnel cake is better."

"Sure. Call me and tell me that the next time you're at the hospital on the operating table because you realized that that pile of lard clogged up your arteries."

"Call me the next time you're choking on the bones and fat of the poor hopeless animal you mercilessly devoured, gasping for your last breath."

"Your mom."

"Is amazing!" Sarah stuck her tongue out at Lexie in victory. "Now let me eat my pizza!" she said a she flicked a spare glob of cheese at her friend.

After a while, all the food had been eaten and the girls were ready to get a move on.

"Okay, what now?"

"Oh, hammer! Hammer! We have to go on the hammer!" Ayla begged.

"No!" Lexie an Sarah yelled in unison.

"I hate those things!"

"Besides," Sarah whined, "I just ate half a funnel cake and three pieces of pizza. Do you want to see them again? No, I didn't think so. There is no way in hell I'm going on it now. Maybe later."

"Please! I've gone with your guys all day on everything you wanted to do!" she begged.

"Dude, that's a lie!" Sarah pointed over he shoulder to the spinning spaceship, just a ways off. "We went on the ship first thing this morning, and I didn't say anything. I still have the headache from it!"

"But we only went once!"

"That's one more time than I had to, man! I'm not going."

"Yeah. You can go if you want, but me and Sarah are going to wait here."

"But I don't want to go alone. What if something happens to me?"

"It won't."

"Well, fine then! I won't go."

"No, go! You wanted to."

"No! You guys are all bitching about it, so I won't go." Ayla crossed her arms and scowled at the ground.

"Well, if you're going to be like that," Sarah sighed, "I'll go, but you fucking owe me!" She grabbed Ayla's arm and dragged her to the line for the hammer.

"Thank you, Sarah!" Ayla hugged her friend, almost knocking her over. "I love you!"

"Yeah, let's see how much you love me fter this is over," she grumbled.

"Have fun you two!" Lexie called from their table. Not even turning around to look at her, Sarah flipped her off and moved forward in the line.

The two girls sat on the left side of the pendulum, buckling their seat belts and pulling the restraint bars over their heads. Normally, Sarah loved this kind of ride. Now, she wished she was anywhere else in the world.

"You're so lucky I love you, dude," Sarah groaned, "because if I ralph*, not even Billie Joe Armstrong can save you."

"I know, but you're not going to ralph*."

"You keep telling yourself that," Sarah mumbled to herself, as the ride slowly started. In a matter of seconds, the girls were circling over head. The clouds were suddenly a fluffy white walkway beneath their feet.



After another minute or so of swinging, the attendeant lifted the gate to release the passengers. Sarah flew out of her seat, down the stairs, and straight to the nearest bathroom. After ten minutes of agony, she slowly came out of to meet her friends.

"Dude, did you seriously barf? Awesome!" Lexie laughed, as she patted Sarah on the back.

"What the hell was I thinking?" she groaned.

"I am so sorry. I honestly thought you were kidding," Ayla said regretfully.

"Too little, too late man. Can we go on something not as spinny now? Please?" she begged.



"Hah, you're on man."
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