I Won't Go Down By Myself

Wake-Up Call


"Fuck." Sarah groaned as the wake-up call screeched in her ear. She reached over and hit the snooze button, then flicked the alarm off.

Throwing back the covers, she got up to get dressed. She pulled on her black skinnies, then reached for her red vintage tee, complete with black skull and silver accent. After she was dressed, Sarah made her way into the bathroom to do her hair and make-up.

She clicked on her straightening iron before pulling a brush through her long, brown, horribly knotted hair. With her knots gone and bed-head perfected, she began straightening chunks of hair. Finally, she gave it a good dose of hair spray.

"I look like crap," she mumbled, noticing her brown eyes, surrounded by grey. "Only one thing to do." She got out her best stick of eyeliner and tube of mascara and set to work. "Perfect," she said as she gave the eyeliner one final sweep.

Last, but certainly not least, Sarah pulled our her new pair of red and black striped gauntlets and slid them on, along with a few rings, an onyx necklace, and a black studded belt.

"Charades and parades, Sarah," she told her reflection. "Charades and parades." With that, she turned and went down to the kitchen.

Pulling the frozen waffles out of the freezer, she popped two in the toaster and searched for the syrup. Sitting down to her gourmet breakfast, Sarah put on her headphones and listened to The Misits for a while. Glancing up at the clock, she saw that it was ten minutes to seven. She rinsed her plate off, dropped it in the sink, and put the syrup away. She then trudged back up the stairs to put on her black and white Converse chucks and get her black Dickies backpack.

"You look nice," came her mother's greeting as she wandered into the living room. "Ready for school?"

"Define ready," Sarah sighed as she saw her mom's smiling face.

"Did you wake your dad up?"

"Yeah. He's getting up. I'm going to go start the car. Dad! I'll be in the car!" she called down the hall as she grabbed the keys off the hook. Sarah leaned down to kiss her mom. "Love you mom."

"Love you, too, sweetie."

Sarah shut the door behind her and headed out to the car. She slid the keys into the ignition and started the car up. She tuned the radio to some good music and leaned her head back against the headrest.

"Today," she groaned, "is going to be a long day."