Status: Sheadarlin

You and Me Sittin' in a Tree

Eavesdropping, scary movies, and bad dreams

Nick's POV

'I'm sorry Amanda, but i don't see why your so mad. i mean you've got a great body.' Joe said getting up. 'uh!!' SMACK 'ow!' 'she stormed up stairs. he's cheek was red. i walked over to him and hit him in the head. 'nice choice of words retard.' i walked up stairs. i was about to go into the room when i heard talking on the phone, i was at the door but she had her back to me so she couldn't see me. i could only hear half of the conversation.
'because nick is my friend and so is Joe and Kevin' pause. ' wow jimmy, as if i didn't already know that! why don't you like them anyways?' oh, she's talking to jimmy. about us. 'so..' she put her hand on her hip. "What?" 'SO WHAT? JUST CAUSE I GOT A GUY AS A FRIEND DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE TO BE DOING SOMETHING!!!!!' she was yelling really loud, i pulled my phone out of my pocket and text Joe. 'come up here now! bring Kev, quietly!!!!!!' Joe and Kevin were up in a flash. but quietly. 'what?' Joe whisper "shh.' i put my finger to my mouth and pointed to my door. they both made O's with their mouths. 'WHORE?!! WHO YOU CALLING WHORE???!' 'who she talking to?' Kevin mouthed. 'jimmy.' i mouthed back. his face went red with anger, 'don't!!' i whispered and put my hands out so he wouldn't go into my room.
'OH PLEASE EVERY ONE KNOWS YOU SLEEP AROUND!!!!!!' she sounded really pissed. 'OF COURSE NOT!! I WOULD NEVER!!!' there was a long pause. then something none of us expected. 'uh!!! I-I....I HATE YOU!!!!' her voice was filled with hate, i could feel it. i heard her snap her phone close then a loud 'bang!' she must of thrown it. i heard her jump on my bed and then she started to cry.
i walked in, Joe and Kevin followed. i gently put my hand on her back and rubbed her back, 'its OK.' she sat up and i gave her a hug. she wiped her eyes. Joe picked up her phone and handed it to her, 'here's your phone.' 'thank you.' she sniffed. her phone went off. 'mama we all go to hell, mama we all go to he-' it was her mom. she picked up the phone. 'hey mom.' she looked at Kevin. 'yeah of course why?' pause, she looked worried. 'oh, OK. are you in your room?' it was probably about her dad. 'OK yeah of course.' pause. ' love you too mom.' a tear slid down her cheek, Joe wiped it off and sat down on the bed with us. i felt a sting of jealousy, i brushed it off. she looked up at Kevin, 'can i stay here tonight?' Kevin was in charge because our parents were still out of town. 'yeah of course. whats wrong?' 'my dad. mom doesn't want me home this time though.' her dad was an abusive drunk. i hated him, he always left a bruise on Amanda and now so did jimmy. i really don't like to use the word hate but i meant it. i wanted both of them to die. i hate to see someone hurt someone else that hasn't even done anything wrong, especially someone so close to my heart.
~what are you saying nick!? you can't be in love with your best friend!?! or can i?~ i tried to get the thought out of my head by changing the subject, 'wanna watch a movie?' 'sure!' Amanda said getting up. Joe jumped off the bed, 'me too!!!!' 'what movie?' Kevin asked following us out of the room. 'i don't know, let's check HBO.' i said. 'oh wait let me get my p.j.s on!' Amanda said turning around and running back into my room. we walked down stair and into the living room. Kevin started flipping through the HBO channels. 'what kinda movie you wanna watch?' i looked up. 'scary?' 'yeah, that way Amanda will get so scared and be all over him.' Joe said winking at me. i threw a pillow at him. 'aw! come on you know its true, your in love with her!!!' Joe said in a girlie voice, putting his hands over his heart. 'you do that too well.' i said picking up the pillow. we all got on the couch. 'nick turn off the light.' Kevin said. i walked over to the switch and then sat back down. Kevin picked 'don't blink' we had all seen it before. Amanda walled down the stairs. she was wearing one of my shirts. Joe elbowed me and winked. i just rolled my eyes. 'did it start yet?' she asked me, 'no.' she sat down between me and Joe, it was kind of a tight fit. 'what movie?' i put my arm around her to give her more room. 'don't blink.' Joe looked at us. 'i can do that too.' he fake yawned. i gave him a glare over Amanda's head. he smiled then put his arm around Kevin instead. 'get your hands off me man!' Kevin tossed his arm off him and playfully punched him in the arm. me and Amanda laughed. the movie started. every now and then Amanda would get really scared. we were right at the good part of the movie when there was a flash of light, *BOOM! Click.* the power went out. Amanda jumped into my lap. 'just don't look in the closet!' Joe was trying to scare her and it worked she buried her head in my chest, 'shut up Joe!' i whispered over her head. *thump* Kevin hit him in the back of the head. 'ow!' Amanda was staring at something. i think it was the window. there was another flash of light and i saw someone run by the window. Amanda must of seen it to because she buried her head in my chest again. Kevin saw it too. 'm gonna get a flash light and then lock the doors, nick help me. Joe take her up stairs.' he said standing up. i handed Amanda to Joe, she wrapped her arms around his neck. ~three was that jealousy again~ he carried her up stairs. i got up and locked the front door, then i started locking windows. as me and Kev walked up stairs i asked,' who do you think it was?' ~jimmy~ 'James, but I'm not sure.' he said locking straight ahead. he headed to the closet. 'come on, we're all sleeping in mine and Joe's room.' i held my arms out, he gave me two blanket and he grabbed two pillows.'that should be enough.' he said closing the closet door. we walked into my room, Joe was sitting on my bed holding Amanda. she looked up at us, 'we having a slumber party?' she gave us a weak smile. i laughed and Kevin smiled. 'kinda, we're going to sleep in mine and Joe's room tonight, you and nick are on the top buck, Joe your on the bottom and I'll sleep on the floor.' she grabbed my pillow off my bed and we walked down the hall. i looked back at her and Joe, they were holding hands. i felt jealous again. he dropped her hand and opened the door. as soon as we all got in, Kevin locked the door and turned on his flash light. Amanda got up the ladder and i followed. i wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep. Amanda shot up out of bed. it scared the crap out off me. i still had my arms around so i was up with her. she was breathing hard. 'Amanda are you OK?' ~of course not retard!~ she was gasping for air. 'can't-gasp-breath-gasp' she was having a panic attack, she had a bad dream. i jumped off the bed and ran to my room. i opened her drawer and started to feel around. ~its too dark, i cant see a damn thing!~ i accidentally grabbed her bra, ops. ~found it!~ i ran back to Kev and Joe's room, Joe was on the top bunk rubbing her back ~there was that jolt of jealousy~ Kevin we standing on the floor in front of her, 'its OK, your fine. try and take a deep breath.' i brushed it off and ran up the ladder. i put the inhaler to her lips and pushed down. she took a deep breath. she had tears running down her face. she looked at me and whispered. 'thank you.' Kevin got on the bed and sat down. when ever she has a bad dream we make her tell us. she was done talking and then just looked down. ~wow. why does her life have to be so messed up? why are you doing this to her god? why?~
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