Status: Sheadarlin

You and Me Sittin' in a Tree

Talk about adding injury to insult

we got into the line and i saw.....jimmy. as if my day couldn't get any worse?!

crap! why does he have to be here!?!

because this is his school too.

i know that i meant it in the caff!

~omg, I've finally cracked, I'm arguing...with myself!~ i tried to hind behind nick and Jessica. 'whats wrong with you?' she turned around to look at me. 'jimmy.' i bluntly stated. she made an "O" with her mouth. i saw nick clench his jaw when i said jimmy. jimmy saw me and made a bee-line to were i was.he stood in between me and nick and Jessica. 'Amanda we need to talk...alone.' he looked back at nick and Jessica. he looked back at me. Jessica was shaking her head behind him and nick was mouthing '"no". jimmy's face looked really concerned. i sighed, 'OK.' i followed him outside. ~get now there will be no witnesses for when he kills me, oh joy!~he held my hand, ~probably so i cant run away.~and kept walking down the sidewalk. [they're still on school grounds.] he sighed, 'Amanda, someone told me that you come to school with those Jonas kids.' i looked up at him. 'they have names, and one of them is older than you.' 'thats not what I'm trying to get at. did you?' 'yeah, they gave me a ride, so?' 'did you sleep the night at their house?' ~oh sh*t! who told him that?!?!~ 'what?!' i looked at him again. 'i went to your house and asked your dad, he said you weren't there. i told him that you went home with them after school and-' i dropped his hand, 'what the hell?!! why would you do that!?!' i yelled at him, which only made him mad. 'how could you?!?!' he yelled back. 'HOW COULD YOU!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THEM AND YOU KNOW TI! AND OUT OF ALL PEOPLE MY DAD?!' no one was out side so it wasn't like we were making a scene or anything. i went to turn around but he yanked me back, hard. 'let GO!' i yelled and started to hit his arm, thinking it would get him to let go. i was wrong. i kept screaming at him to let go. 'SHUT UP!' he smacked me across the face. ~oh! that is the last time!!~ i got out of his grip. i got up in his face, with every word i poked him hard in the chest causing him to take a step back each time, 'don't. you. ever. touch. me. ever. again.' i started to yell at him "I HATE YOU!' he opened his mouth to say something but i didn't let him. 'we are THROUGH!' ad with that i pushed him to the ground. i turned around to walk away again before he got up. he grabbed my ankle. i started to fall so put my left arm out to brace myself, be mistake, as soon as my hand can in contact with the ground, i knew i was gonna get hurt. my full body weight was put on my tiny arm,i heard a snap and felt a sharp pain in my forearm. i kept falling a did a face plant into the concrete. 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ~PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ i screamed at the top of my lungs, my arm and nose hurt like crap. got backup and he tried to grab m. ~stupid boy, you will never learn.~ i kicked him in the stomach [i just gonna say she does karate. i know i didn't put it in the beginning but oh well. i might add other stuff like this too. k? i know you guys love me anyways! loll, k back to the story! love you for reading!] he falls to his knees and grabs his stomach.he looks up and mumbles, 'that was a mistake!' i look down at him'no you were.' and with that i kick him in the face. 'oh, thats gonna leave a mark.' i ran to the caff. door. he was still on the ground, 'I'm done with you Amanda! DONE!' i open the door holding my nose with my right arm, the one that isn't in pain right now. my nose and arm was throbbing and i was having trouble seeing through the tears. i finally spot nick with Chris, there walk to the table where me, Jessica and nick put our stuff down. Jessica was already sitting at the table with Jonathan. i run over, i was just planning on running home. there was blood all over my shirt. 'what the hell did he do to you!?!' nick asked standing up. he looked at my shirt then nose and then my arm. it was probably swollen by now. 'I'm going to go to my locker. get my bat. and I'm going to put a DENT IN HIS FACE!' Jonathan said standing up too. [Jonathan, nick, Chris, Colby, Ryan, and Brandon are all on the baseball team, thats how they met. continue reading!] Jessica rolled her eyes and walks over with a sweater ion her hand. she put it to my nose carefully, 'what happened?' she whispers to me. 'we're over.' i mumble. 'he's so done! I'm gonna kill him that little! uh! he's dead!' Chris was red with anger. 'he's gonna wish he never met you!' nick added. 'he's funeral's tonight!' Jonathan says banging his fist against the table. 'come on Amanda, you're going to the nurse.' Jessica says as she grabs my arm and leads me down the hallway.

>>FWD:nurse's office>>

we walked in, i still have the sweater on my nose. the nurse glances up at us. 'ah, what do we have here? i another bloody nose.' she puts on her glasses as she walks over. she pulls off the sweater away. 'oh my lord! what happened to you?!' she walks to a cabinet and grabbed some stuff to clean my nose. ~ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!~ 'i fell.' i said, which was the truth. i did fall, after someone grabbed my ankle. 'did you hurt anything else?' she asked looking me up and down. she turned around and grabbed a paper towel. 'my arm.' i say as she ran the paper towel under the sink water. she grabs 2 band aids from her drawer. she came back over and wiped my knees and put the a band aid on both of them. i probably scraped them when i fell. 'your arm you said?' i nodded. 'let me see.' she took my arm in her hand and poked random parts of it. 'ow.' was my reaction to most pokes. 'well, your going to need stitches for your nose, as for your arm. might need a splint at the least.' she called the principle on the walkie-talkie. he comes in and gives me something to sign saying i won't sue and it wasn't the schools fault, blah blah blah. the principle signed a couple of forms and then the nurse called the hospital. the ambulance came 2 minutes later. [there's a fire house right next to the school and they have an ambulance too.] as the paramedics got me into the ambulance i asked the principle, 'can nick come too? please?' he sighed and nodded. nick hoped in.


'well you're definitely going to need stitches, as for your arm. well, you're going to need to get an x-ray. we'll x-ray your nose too just to see if its broken or not.' Cr. keys says. nick just sat there with his head in his hands.

Nick's POV

we were at the hospital and the doctor just told Amanda that she needs x-rays. i just can't believe he did this to her! ~I'm gonna kill him! that ass! thats probably why she wanted me to come with her. she knew that if i wasn't there then the guy[Brandon, Chris, Jonathan, coble, and Ryan] wont do anything to jimmy. well, we will get him.~

Amanda's POV

~i hate hospitals~ I'm was lying on a cold x-ray table with a heavy vest on my chest. i had to breath through my mouth because my nose had swollen shut. 'now just stay still.' i heard someone say. they had already taken x-rays of my nose, now they were x-rahing my arm. i heard a click then someone say, 'alright, you're all done.' Dr. keys walked me back to the room where nick still had his head in his hands. 'I'm going to get those x-rays. I'll be right back.' Dr. keys left the room. i went to sit back down but nick grabbed my hand gently, the one that wasn't hurt. 'what happened?' i looked at the floor. he stood up and took my chin in his hand, tilting my head to were we were staring into each others eyes. ~i could just died, he was so, uh...and those eyes, like chocolate, yum! he was yum!~ i told him what happened, everything. i couldn't keep anything from him, well besides the fact that i was madly in love with him but I'm not just going to come out and say it to his face. 'well, we went outside and he said someone saw me get out of the car with you guys and he asked if i stayed the night, i didn't know what to say so i just said what. he said he went to my house and my dad said i hadn't come home yet, he said he told my dad that i went home with you guys. i got mad at him for telling my dad and started yelling at him. he started yelling at me asking how could i. i yelled at him again telling him that nothing happened at your house, i didn't tell him what happened with me and Joe though. when i tried to go back to the school he stopped me. he wouldn't let go of my arm. i tried to get away and i started yelling at him again. he told me to shut up and..' i paused. 'he what?' he gestured for me to go on. he looked like he was about to cry, i think i was too. i took a deep breath. 'he smacked me. i pushed him and he fell, then i told him to never touch me again and that i hated him and we were through. i went to walk away again but he grabbed my ankle. i fell and hit the ground hard. i got up and so did he. he tried to grab me again but i kicked him in the stomach, he fell to his knees and said that that was a mistakes. i kicked him in the face and said that no he was. i ran away and he was saying I'm done with you Amanda done crap like that i got into the caff and then we went to th nurse.' i felt a tear go down my face. nick took a step closer. ~man why cant you just kiss me already!?!~ he wiped the tear away and hugged me. i kissed him on the cheek. (i do it all the time to him and his brothers but only for a reason) 'what was that for?' he looked me in the eyes, i could of melted right there. 'a thank you, for everything.' we both sat down. a little later the Dr. came back in ands told me that i have a broken arm and broken nose. ~perfect!~ i had to get stitches on my nose and then butterfly stitches and then a bandage. after they put a cast on my arm an ambulance took us back to school.

Nick's POV

they took us back to school and i called Kevin. he graduated high school last year and is taking off a year, so he's not working. 'Kevin can you pick me and Amanda up?' 'why? what happened?' 'she'll explain everything when we get home.' 'OK, I'll get Joe too then.'