Status: Sheadarlin

You and Me Sittin' in a Tree

surprise surprise, didn't see that one coming! ha,

Katie was the first to stand up. all eyes were on her. 'what?' she looked at every one. 'oh, get a life.' she rolled her eyes and walked over to me. 'so, what you gonna sing?' 'well i was thinking about singing gun powder and lead. what do you think. she looked like she was thinking about it. 'i should totally go for!' she smiled and i let a sign of relief. then we just looked at each other for a little while and brusted out laughing, causing the whole class to look at us. 'what?! uh! pictures last longer! take one!' i said and turned back to Katie.he smiled at me. 'what?' 'nothing, that was just kinda funny is all.' 'oh, ha ha, yeah.' nick walked over, 'so Manda, what you gonna sing?' Katie answered for me. 'she cant tell.' 'what?' i asked. nick gave me a confused look. 'shes making it a surprise.' she said. 'you are?' 'i am?' 'yes.' she answered both of us. 'OK, well I'm gonna sing just the girl by the click five.' i smiled. 'thats my favorite song of theirs!' 'yeah, i know. that's why I'm gonna sing.' he smiled. 'aw, your such a sweetheart, Jonas.' he blushed and i think i did to. >>FWD: about 30 minutes later>> 'OK class settle down. we're about to begin. i would like Ashley, then Sharon, alley, nick, and then Amanda. sounds good?' she didn't wait for a reply, 'good. say what your going to sing and then begin whenever your ready. go for it darling.' Ashley slowly walked over to the front of the room and then smiled. 'OK, um, i wanna sing "our song" by Taylor swift.' Sharon snorted and rolled her eyes. i glared at her then smiled at Ashely. she gladly returned it, 'OK, well here goes!' she was pretty good, she was off key a couple times but not very noticeable, well for a room full of people that are really good at it yeah, but for someone that didn't really know that much about singing then you wouldn't have been able to tell. after she finished, she did a little bow and smiled when the class clapped. 'very good, very good! i believe you belong in the intermediate group!' Ashley seemed happy with it. ms. Yals wrote on her clipboard and then said back down at her desk. Sharon went up next and surprise surprise! she sung 'what I've been looking for' from high school musical, Sharp style. ha ha, yeah. i knew she reminded me of someone. she did kinda crappy, you couldn't really hear her but she did suck suck, you know? 'very nice Sharon, i believe that you belong in the intermediate group also.' 'uh!' Sharon didn't sound or seem too pleased about that. i laughed. up next was alley. 'hey, I'm gonna sing concrete angel.' she smiled and when she was done i thought i was gonna cry. she was so awesome. the class clapped really loud. 'very wonderful darling! i believe that you shall be in the advanced group.' ms. Yals smiled at her and wrote more stuff on the clipboard. Sharon huffed. [and puffed and blew the house down! ha ha, sorry i had to! back to the story] now it was nick turn. I've never heard him sing, but from hat his brothers said last night, he's really good. well, he's brothers where right. he was so firkin awesome!! ~and his voice is kinda sexy too!! STOP IT! ah! i cant Think about my best friend like that! even if it is true. [= ~ 'when Mr. Jonas, that was very wonderful indeed. you belong in the advanced group, no doubt about it.' ms. Yals wrote some more things down. it was my turn now. ~crap I'm nervous! don't be you'll do fine. just don't screw up.gee thanks for the support!~ i walked up to the front of the room. 'I'm going to sing gun powder and lead.'