Status: Sheadarlin

You and Me Sittin' in a Tree

explanations, spongebob, and Cameron

Still, Friday the 12th

Katie's P.O.V.

'my son.' she answered me. wow, wait a minute, hold up, back it up, pause it, hit play. son? like as in had a baby? she better start explaining, and fast! and she better have a really good explanation. no a great one! then again, its Amanda. we're talking about. she was never one to do something irresponsible. shes a smart kid. she knows better to do something with such a big consequence on purpose. which only meant one thing. someone much of forced her. as soon as i get my hands on the bastard, I'm gonna kill him. kill him and then ditch the body in some random body of water. yup, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
i had to calm myself down before i spoke again. 'a son?' wow, that was the best thing i could come up with? OK, maybe it was the fact that the shock had worn off yet. either that or i just didn't want to believe it. 'yeah. I'll explain everything when the rest of the gang gets here. i promise.' she leaded me farther into here house. i was guessing we were going to the living room. she said that she was going home with the boy and Jessica so they were, more than likely, here.
the first thing i saw as i walked into Amanda's living room was Jessica, on my right, sitting in Amanda's 'thinking chair'. we called it that because it looked like the thinking chair from blue's clues, only a different color and's clues-ish. the was a little boy, who i could only guess was Amanda's son, sitting on her. both of them looked up to see who just entered the room. Jessica smiled at me. i returned her smile before turning back to the little person in her lap.
Kevin and Joe were right in front of me, sitting on the big couch, that's in the back of the room that faces the t.v., watching spongebob square-pants. Kevin was on the left with his right arm on the back of the couch. he had his feet propped up on a stood. Joe was about a foot away from Kevin, sitting with his feet up, criss-cross, on the right side of the Kevin and the couch. Kevin looked up and smiled at me then looked back at the t.v. Joe gave me a little waved before laughing at the fact that spongebob couldn't tie his shoes but Garry could.
i had to look around more until i found nick lounging on the love seat couch thing by himself. he was half laying, half sitting, so that he was facing the t .v. the love seat was on the left side of the room and faced the 'thinking chair'. the thinking chair faced the t.v. but the love seat didn't. there for when ever you sat on it you had to sit the way that nick was sitting now. he had his right leg laying straight on the couch and his left leg on the ground. he had his right arm draped across the back of the love seat, the other in his lap.
'Cameron this is one of my other best friends, Katie. Katie, this is my son, Cameron.' the little boy, Cameron, hopped off of Jessica's lap and ran over to me and Amanda. i got on my knees as he held out his hand for me to shake. 'hi.' he smiled at me. i returned his smile, 'hello there.' after i released his hand he went back to playing with Jessica.
'we're just waiting for the rest of the gang before we go outside.' Amanda said before walking over to the love seat and leaning on nick. this wasn't an uncommon site. we are all really close. including the gang. we've all known each other since middle school, some since elementary. we were a very tight group.
i walked over to the big couch and sat in between Kevin and Joe. i had to squeeze a little bit but i fit. Joe draped his arm around my shoulder. i leaned into his shoulder. its not what you think, Joe, Kevin, nick, and all the other guys in our group are like my brothers. they were always there for me, and the other girls.
about 15 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Amanda got up to answer it and came back with Chris, Faith, Colby, Ryan, Jonathan, and Brandon. after everybody said there 'Hi's Faith noticed that we had a little one among us. 'hello, and who might you be?' she knelt down to get to his eye level. Jessica had gotten up cause Cameron to lose his seat on her lap. 'my names Cameron.' 'aw, well my name is Faith.' 'are you one of my mommy friends too?' 'well, that depends,' by now everyone was paying attention to their conversation. 'who's your mommy?' all Cameron did was point to Amanda before everyone started asking questions.
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a link to everyone's bathing suit will be in the next chapter.