Status: Sheadarlin

You and Me Sittin' in a Tree

nightmares, payback, and love?

September 13th, Saturday morning, 2008

Joe's P.O.V.

Everyone seemed to of had fun at Amanda's sleepover thing. It was awesome! I think my favorite part would have to be truth or dare. Seeing Nick running around the streets freaking out Amanda's neighbors. I thought that Miss Willette was going to grab a broom and beat him with it. Oh, that would have been so awesome if she did, and pretty funny. Ha ha, yeah, it was one of the best sleepovers she's had in a while.
And it was pretty bold what Nick did. But it really was about time. They have both 'secretly' liked each other. Seeing them together and everybody else with, someone made me feel...left out i guess. I mean, i want someone too. Its not fun being the 5th wheel, or in this case 7th wheel.
I was first to wake. Hey, there's always a first for everything. Anyways, the first thing i did when i woke up is see how everyone fell asleep. i woke up to my world upside down. No, I'm not going emo. Apparently, i fell asleep sitting upside down on the couch. Ha ha, yeah, i thought it was pretty funny too. That's until I almost fell because my feet wanted to sleep in a little longer. Then I actually did fall. I tripped over the blanket that I was sleeping with. Somehow it got tangled around my feet.
On the let side of the couch that i just got off of was Kevin. He was laying down with his head on the arm of the couch and had his left leg laying on the back of the couch. His mouth was half open and he was snoring softly. His left arm was in his lap but his right arm was hanging off the side of the couch resting on Katie's head.
Katie, she was sitting on the floor with her back resting on the couch. Her blanket was covering her lap. She was holding the remote in her right hand. Ha ha. She had her legs crossed and the were resting on Chris and Jessica's laps. Jessica, she was laying beside Chris. He had his arm around her and they were both laying on a sleeping bag on the floor. She had her arm laying across his chest and his arm was around her shoulder. I smiled to myself.
Nick was laying sideways on the 'thinking chair', drool coming out of his mouth. Ha ha, that's my Nick, always sexy for the ladies. He was hugging onto the blanket that Amanda's mom had given us last night before we went to sleep. He was snoring really loud, I think we all snore. Me, Kevin, and Nick anyways. I think we get it from dad, cause i know that mom doesn't snore.
Last was Amanda, she was laying on the long couch. The blanket she was using was lying on the floor next to the couch, she probably kicked it off last night. Her face looked wet like she'd been sweating or something. I walked over to her to get a better long. She was sweating and crying. She looked scared and worried. Shes having a bad dream. And whenever she has a bad dream she gets a panic attack, unless someone wakes her up before she wakes up on her own.
I gently touched her shoulder. I was afraid that if I did anything too fast or sudden then it would result in her dream. "Amanda, you need to wake up. It's me, Joe, you need t wake now k? Wake up. Do you hear me? Wake up Mandy-cakes.' I whispered. She responded by thrashing around a little, but sh wouldn't wake up. It was starting to scare me. "Mandy, I said wake up. I mean it. Come on now, rise and shine!" i said a little louder this time gently shaking her. Nothing. OK Joe, o not panic. What ever you do, stay calm, chill. Just try again. I took a deep breath then tried once more. 'Amanda, you gotta wake up now! Wake up! Now! Super Joe commands you!" I shook her again.

Amanda's P.O.V.

I kept running. I ran to the park, to the mall, to the 7/11, then to my house. But he kept following me. The man in black trench coat. I don't really know who he is or why he's chasing me but I do know that if i stop running then he's going to get me and I know that that's not good. But why is he chasing me? I didn't d anything to him. Nothing, no a thing at all. But he keeps running. Keeps following me, and he's gaining ground. I can't go any faster either. I ran into my house, trying to find someone, anyone. But it was the same as the park, it was the same as the mall, and as the 7/11. No one. Not a single soul. So i ran out the back door and to my last hope, with that black figure right on my heels. I ran right into the Jonas' house without knocking and straight up to Nick's room. But only to find the same answer as before at the park, and mall, and 7/11 an worst. My home. I heard him coming up the stairs so i ran to Joe and Kevin's room and locked myself in side. I slowly backed away from the door and the handle started to jiggle. Then it stopped. The shadow that was at the bottom of the door slowly walked away. I thought i would be relieved but it only scared me more. I started to cry. Then someone grabbed my shoulders. I tried to scream but it didn't work. The person was talking but I couldn't understand anything except "wake up"

And that's exactly what i did, wake up, wake up from that horrible dream. I opened my eyes to see my 'hero', Joesph Adam Jonas. He was kneeling down beside me still holding my shoulders. This is why i love this boy.
He's the older brother that saves me, he's the one that I can always talk to. He never judges me. Nick is my best friend whom i can tell anything to and he always supports me. And Kevin is the big bro, protects me from anything and he always understands me.
He smiled at m before engulfing me in a hug. "Thank you." I whispered. He chuckled and let go. He puled me away from him with his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Next time when i say wake up, wake up the first time i say it. Don't ever scare me like that again." He puled me back into another hug. "You OK?" He asked me. I smiled, "yeah, you?" "Hungry actually." I laughed as he got up and walked into the kitchen. I got up and followed him in. "So, what do you want to eat?"
>>FWD: After cooking >>
Everyone was awake except for Nick and Kevin. Oh goody! Amanda woke Nick up by jumping on him, while i walked into the kitchen to get ice. I walked back into the living room to see Nick sitting on Amanda and looking around trying to see where she was, and Jess, sitting on Chris. Katie was poking Kevin's cheek, knowing that she would get no reaction. I handed her an ice cube and told her to wait for me to count to 3.
I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slowly started to lift it up. "1...2...3!" I whispered as I threw the ice down his shirt and jumped back really fast. Katie dropped the ice into Kevin's already opened mouth before closing it and yelling, "good morning starshine the earth says hello!"
Kevin jumped up and spit the ice out while pulling at his shirt. "ah ah! cold ah cold! ah!" We all started cracking up. It was just too funny. Kevin stopped jumping around he looked me dead in the eyes. "Joesph Adam Jonas!" How does he always know? i started running only to be tripped by a rug. Kevin jumped on my back and i felt something warm run down my neck. "UGH! gross! Kevin spit! nasty!" i whined. i whipped around to see Kevin smile then turn round before saying, "paybacks a bitch."
>>FWD: After breakfast>>

Katie's P.O.V.

Breakfast was awesome. Right now Amanda and Kevin were battling it out on Guitar Hero 3. They were both about tie when the doorbell rang. "Nick go get the door." Amanda said. "OK, K2, door. Now." Nick ordered Kevin. "I don't think so. She said Nick, not Kevin. Plus, I'm busy."
They started to argued and Kevin kept messing up. I got up, went into the kitchen and got popcorn. I sat back down beside Joe. He looked at me then the pop corn and laughed. "You want so?" I asked. He laughed again and shook his head.

Joe's P.O.V.

I laughed again and shook my head. Katie always did say my family was better than cable. Ha ha. "OK, OK. I'll get the door." I aid getting off the couch and walking to the front door and opened it. "Hello, how may I-Maddie?" I couldn't believe it. I blinked my eyes s couple of times."Joey?" I smiled at the nickname she gave me when were little.
I just stared at her. I couldn't help it, she was just so..beautiful. "Well, don't just stand there, give me a hug!" She said opening her arms. I took a step forward and gave her a bear hug, picking her up a little. She giggled as i set her back down.
"Well, you sure got tall." She said smiling up at me. I laughed along with her. "Well, look at you. You sure aren't the same little Maddie that i use to play tag with." i smiled. She laughed. Que the awkward silence. "Oh, is Amanda here?" "Yeah. She's in the living room." I opened the door wider and let her in. "Joe who was at the-"
♠ ♠ ♠
peace, love, pandas/Jonas!

hey its Mandy! sorry it took so long school just started and my computer kept messing up every time i tried to write this. i have to go to bed now so peace!