Status: Hiatus

I Can't Believe This


Who the fuck is bouncing on me?

“Lisa!” they said, poking me in the side.

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. “Go away,” I mumbled.

The bouncing stopped for a moment, before all of that weight was placed on my waist. “Lisa, wake up.” Billie pleaded.

I cracked an eye open and glanced at the bedside clock. “It’s 8:24 in the morning. Since when do you wake up this early?”

“Since now, apparently. Now get up!” he whined, laying on top of me.

“I can’t get up if you’re lying on top of me,” I pointed out. Closing my eyes again. I tried to ignore the puppy dog eyes Billie was giving me.

“Please?” His breath tickled my neck. “Please get up.” He gently placed a kiss on my neck. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he promised, nibbling at my earlobe.

I pressed my lips tightly together to stop the smile that was spreading across my face.

“Come on.” His voice had gone husky. His lips met my neck again, sucking ever so slightly.

“Billie!” I groaned. “That’s not fair.” I opened my eyes again, only to be met with his beautiful green orbs.

“I know, that’s why I did it. I know you can’t resist when I start kissing your neck. It’s your weak spot. And I love taking advantage of that little fact.” His world famous grin appeared on his face, making him look absolutely angelic.

“Alright, alright, I’ll get up. But you’re going to have to get off me first.”

He looked down and smirked. “Never mind. I’m comfortable right here.” He laid his head down on my chest and closed his eyes.

“Well now I’m wide awake, so get up.” I pushed his off me and stood up, straitening my pajamas. His arms wound around my waist, securing me to his chest.

“When did you get so strong?” he asked.

“Maybe I didn’t get stronger, maybe you just got weaker,’ I offered, smirking. “Now I’m going to get a shower.” I gave him a light kiss and walked to the bathroom.


The scent of fresh coffee lured me downstairs. “Coffee, coffee, coffee,” I said, grabbing a cup.

“This is the last cup,” Billie replied, taking a sip.

I whirled around to face him “What? The last cup? You took the last cup?” I pouted and sat down on a stool at the counter. “How could you?” I asked, in mock horror.

“It’s really good too.”

“Well, you should give me a sip,” I concluded, reaching for the cup.

He pulled it back. “Not so fast. Last time you asked for a sip of the drink I had, you downed the entire thing.”

I gasped, my hand going to my chest. “I would never!”

He raised his eyebrows and slowly slid the cup across the counter to me. “Okay, but if you drink all of this, you are going to get it.”

I nodded and lifted the cup to my lips. “Thank you,” I said, sliding the cup back over to him. “And now I’m going to go get the paper.” I hurried out of the kitchen. Maybe I could at least reach the front door before he noticed.


Guess not. I sprinted down the hallway and flung open the front door, running out into the yard. “I didn’t do it!” I yelled, as he pulled me down into the grass.

“You didn’t, huh?” He was straddling my waist for the second time that day. “Then who did?”

“Uh, the squirrels?”

“The squirrels. Right.”

“Really. They’ll grab anything when you’re not looking. Even coffee.”

He narrowed his eyes playfully. “I don’t believe you. And therefore, I must punish you for stealing my coffee.” He started tickling my sides.

“No!” I gasped. “Stop, Billie! Wait!” my voice got choked off as I tried to draw air into my lungs.

He stopped, smiling at me. “I love you.” he got off of me and held his hand out.

“I love you, too,” I said, taking his hand. “But it really was the squirrels. Mhmm.”

“Of course. Damn those squirrels anyway.”

We turned to go in the house and noticed that the neighbors were staring at us.

“What?” Billie asked. “Haven’t you ever seen someone tackle someone else to the ground before?”

The phone was ringing when we went back inside. I skipped over and picked it up. And yes, I actually did skip. I was happy, what can I say? “Hello?” I sang into the phone.

“Is Billie there?” Adrienne asked.

“Oh, uh, yes. Just a moment.” I tapped Billie on the shoulder. “Phone. Adrienne,” I said, handing it to him.

About twenty minutes later Billie came back into the living room. “She wants to have lunch with us.”

“She does?”

“Yeah, she has something to tell me and she wants you there because she says that she hasn’t really gotten to know you. And she wants to.”

“Okay, that sounds good. When?”

“Tomorrow at 1:00. And Tré and Mike will be there too.”


“What time is it?” Billie yelled.

“Two minutes later than the last time you asked!” I yelled back. I walked into our room. “Relax, Billie.”

He was standing at the mirror, fussing over his hair. I swear, that man is more girly than I am.

“Your hair looks fine.”

He turned around, sighing. “I know. I’m just…”

“Nervous?” I supplied.

“Yeah. But I don’t know why.”

“Maybe because you’re seeing your ex-wife again? And it’s been about 6 months?”

He nodded. “Maybe, but I think it’s because she’s bringing Joey and Jake. I haven’t seen them in awhile and I don’t want them to think their dad’s a bum.”

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I highly doubt that they’ll think that, Hun. Relax. Breathe.” I placed a kiss on his lips. “You’ll be fine.”

The doorbell rang followed by an “Open the fucking door Billie Joe!”

We rolled our eyes and went downstairs. Billie opened the door., just as Tré was about to knock again. “Shut the fuck up Tré.”

“Thanks, man. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to set these refreshments out back.” He lifted his nose into the air and put his hand on Billie Chest, pushing him back. “Come on, Mike.”

Mike rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “He’s had way too much sugar today.”

“Ah,” I said, understanding.

Billie and I followed them to the backyard. Adrienne, Joey, and Jake would be here any minute, and we still had some setting up to do. We’d decided to have another barbeque since it was a toasty 87 degrees today, and Jake and Joey would probably want to go swimming later. I set out the plates and cups on the table, then went over to help Tré with the refreshments. The doorbell rang a few seconds later, causing Billie to jump and Tré to laugh.

“You okay there?” he asked.

“I’m fine. I’ll be right back.”

Mike laughed. “He’s nervous.”

“Yep. But that’s our Billie Joe. Always making a big deal out of nothing,” Tré replied, smirking.

We all sat at the table, waiting for Billie to come back. We didn’t have to wait long. He walked through the back door again, Joey and Jake trailing behind him. “Adrienne will be out in a minute,” he said, sitting next to me.

“Lisa!” Jake yelled, running over to me.

“Hey, Jake.” I smiled and stood up, giving him a hug. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. I’m starving.” He sat down next to Mike, looking at all of the food in front of him.

“Hi, Lisa,” Joey said, walking over to me and giving me a hug.

“How you been, Joey?”

“Good.” He leaned in closer to me. “I’m glad mom and dad set this up. I’ve missed dad,” he whispered. He stepped back and looked at the ground.

I nodded. “Well, maybe you’ll get to see more of him from now on?”

He smiled and went to sit next to Jake, giving Tré a high five on the way.

Poor kids. Only getting to see there dad once in awhile. And not just now, even when Billie and Adrienne were married, I’m sure they didn’t get to see him as often as they wanted to. All the touring getting in the way.

Adrienne emerged from the house and sat down across from me. “Hi, Lisa,” she greeted, a smile warming her face.

“Hi, Adrienne, it’s nice to see you again.” I reached out and shook her hand.

“Definitely, we should do this more often. I’m hoping we can become friends.”

I smiled. “That’d be great.” Truthfully, I hadn’t known what to expect. I didn’t know if Adrienne would want to be friends with me. But now that she said she did, I felt myself relax. I wanted us to be friends. Not just polite acquaintances.

“Lets eat!” Tré yelled, grabbing some potato salad.


After we ate, we all decided to sit around the pool and talk. Joey and Jake were swimming and Tré had jumped in also, with all of his clothes on.

“I’m going to clear the table,” Billie suddenly said, standing.

“I’ll help you,” I offered, grabbing some glasses and following him inside.

He dropped the dishes in the sink and began filling the sink up, letting the water soak the dirty dishes. “Why hasn’t she said anything yet?” he asked.


“Adrienne. She hasn’t said anything yet besides ‘Hello’.”

“I think she’s said more than that.”

Sighing, he turned around. “But she said she had something to tell me. Something important and yet, nothing so far.”

“She’s probably just waiting for the right moment, Billie. And for the thousandth time today, I say, relax. She’ll tell you when she’s ready.”

“I know, I know. I just don’t like waiting around. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not the most patient guy on the planet.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve noticed.” I winked at him, then kissed him gently. “She’ll tell you.”

“Oh, um. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” Adrienne said, backing out of the kitchen.

“Oh, no, you didn’t interrupt anything.” I answered, smiling at her.

“Okay, good. Do you mind if I talk to Billie for a minute?”

“No, not all.” I left the kitchen and went to sit down next to Mike.

“Is Adrienne finally telling Billie why she’s here?”

“Probably, they’re talking in the kitchen.”

“Lisa!” Jake yelled. “Come swim with us!”

“Yeah, come on!” Joey and Tré beckoned.

“I’m okay, but thanks anyway,” I called.

“Swim with us! Swim with us! Swim with us!” they chanted.

I looked at Mike and rolled my eyes.

“Looks like they won’t take no for an answer. Better go before they throw you in like last time.” Mike laughed and pushed me towards the pool.

“Alright, I’m coming. I need to change first.” I had just stepped away from the edge of the pool when a hand locked around my ankle.

“No, come swim now, Lisa.” Tré pulled himself out of the pool and grabbed me around the waist, throwing both of us back into the water.

“Tré! Why do you always feel the need to throw me in the pool?” I asked, splashing him.

He grinned. “I have no idea, it’s just really fun.”

“Well, now I do have to go change.” I pulled myself out of the pool. “Do you guys want some towels?”

“Yes.” all three of them answered, still laughing.

“Well, I’ll get Joey and Jake towels, but Tré you don’t get one. You’ll just have to drip dry.” I smirked and walked to the back door.

“That’s not fair!” he yelled after me. “All I did was pull you into the pool with all of your clothes on!”

I turned around. “Exactly.” I stuck my tongue out and stepped through the door. “Loser,” I mumbled to myself. I turned into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks.

Oh, God, I thought. No, No, No. This can’t be happening.

Billie and Adrienne were practically suctioned together at the lips. What about this morning? What about all those times he’s told me he loved me. Guess he was lying, a voice sneered in my mind.

Billie must have noticed someone else was in the room, cause he pulled away from Adrienne, and looked at me. “Lisa,” he stammered.

“Sorry to interrupt.” I could feel tears steadily streaming down my face. “Please, don’t stop on my account,” I choked out, backing out of the kitchen. I ran to the front door and yanked it open, then ran out into the street.

I pumped my legs as fast as was humanly possible, letting them carry me to god knows where. Finally, I was out breathe and I slowed to a walk. My clothes were still wet and I was still crying. I stopped at the first familiar place, getting some stares from people as I entered the small coffee shop. “What?” I hissed. “I’m wet, so what? Find something else to gawk at, bitch.”

The woman turned away, her face flushing.

I walked up to the counter, pushing a few people out of the way. Please let him be here. “Ethan?” I yelled. “Ethan, if you’re back there, get out here!”

“Lisa?” He came through a small door behind the counter, holding coffee filters. “What’s wrong?” he asked, finally seeing my blotchy, tear streaked face. “What the hell happened?”

I sniffed and looked him right in the eye. “Can we go to your place?”


A/N: And I started a new story called Friends Until the End. It's an original story I've had in my mind for awhile. Check it out? Tell me what you think?
<3 Lisa