Be Together for One More Night


He looked across the table at her. She was scraping her fork against her plate, ignoring the looks of disapproval she was recieving from other people in the restuarant. Tonight was supposed to be special, he had it all planned out, yet so far, she'd not co-operated at all. It was now or never. He had to get her attention somehow.

She dropped the fork and it hit the half empty plate with a 'clank' sound, catching the attention of a stuck up woman sat close by. The woman shot her a look, but she shrugged it off. In no mood to begin a filthy looks contest with a woman old enough to be her mother.

He opened his mouth and began his long winded and awkward speech about their relationship. One year, three weeks, nineteen hours, thirty six minutes and seven seconds came down to this one moment. The moment that would predict their entire future. His palms were sweating as he reached into his pocket and clasped the tiny navy blue box in his hand.

She was trying to block out the surroundings. Ignoring his words, twisting the worn wristband around her wrist. It had become a nervous habit she had ever since her and her then best friend had been at that festival. Of course Claudia had taken the wristband off the second they were set free from the campsite after a weekend of living in a tent and stinking because of the lack of bathing facilities. She'd loved every second of it, even the stench of passersby and herself. She was one to put everything down to experience, but there was one experience she never wanted to have. She wasn't ready to.

He finished his speech, trying to push her ignorance to the back of his mind and moved into the cliche proposal position. One knee against the floor of the restuarant, and his shaking sweating hands opened the box, revealing the ring that was hidden inside it.

She felt her breath catch in her throat. All eyes were on them. She couldn't. She wouldn't. She liked him, but she was no way in love with him, even after all this time. Maybe it had been a waste, the time she'd never get back. She knew she'd crush him and stamp on his heart. She shook her head and parted her cherry red lips.

The word 'no' met his ears in her strong Irish accent. The voice he couldn't resist. The one that made his heart skip a beat and butterflies errupt in the pit of his stomach. His heart snapped into two at her word and he watched her leave. His mouth moving, no words coming out. He wanted her to come back, he needed to explain, but his throat was dry and he just couldn't.

She wiped away the tear that had fallen from her eye, ignoring the curious stares she was recieving from people in the building. She needed to get away. She couldn't be bound to one person forever. She wasn't that person. She didn't believe in it.

It never worked. So what was the point?
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I told myself I wouldn't. I won't be updating this again till I've finished my Max story, which should be soon.