Be Together for One More Night

Stinging Sensation

Forgetting is a difficult thing to do. Unless you have some sort of memory loss. Which I did. But yet, it was still hard. I was curious about my past life. What was I like? Why was I friends with people like Claudia and Caleb? I wanted to ask Kyle, ask him the questions about me, him, us, my life. But we agreed we were going to forget, and I knew it was going to be so much harder for him as he knew everything. The tiny details, like certain songs that were significant, my favourite things, fears, places, moments, objects. His mind was like a safe, and all of that was locked in there forever. I didn't have a combination to unlock it and let those memories come flooding out, so I just had to look forward instead of back.

I leaned back on my hands, letting the sand cover my fingers, shells dug into my skin. I wiggled my toes and watched Kyle splash around with another boy, who'd been introduced to me as Marc. And he was Kyle's step brother.

My phone was sitting beside me, and it made me jump when it started ringing, blasting out some guitar riff, and flashing. I raised one eyebrow and picked it up, placing the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Isla! Hi, how are you? I'm so sorry about the other night. I just wanted to see you and make sure you were okay and everything."

"Claudia? What do you want?"

"To apolgise for everything. Of course, you won't have a clue what I'm saying sorry for, but that doesn't matter. We can start over, can we? I mean, we were such good friends before, so close, and we told each other everything. I think you told me more than you told Kyle to be quite honest."

"Um, Claudia, Kyle's already filled me in on what happened between us, and to be honest, even though my memory's not in the best of states right now, I don't think it's a good idea for us to be friends again."

"Caleb told me you might say that. He wants to be your friend again too. Isla, please. Things could go back to normal and we could go back to having fun, like we used to."

"I don't think so. Not with you. Or Caleb, since it's his fault I'm like this. It's his fault I can't remember!" I was flapping my free hand around and almost shouting down the phone at her. Stupid girl.

"Isla, sweetie, Caleb didn't force the pill down your throat, and he didn't push you down the stairs, so really, you brought this on yourself."

I dropped the phone onto the sand and began digging a hole with my fingers, pulling the sand away, until it was only slightly deep. I then picked up the phone and dropped it down the small hole, covering it with sand. That was it. Now, I had no way of contacting her and she had no way of contacting me. I could truly forget.

"Isla!" Kyle yelled, running up the beach towards me, shaking his salty wet hair as he did so, doing his best Baywatch impression, before dropping down on the sand beside me.

"Kyle, your a little sun burnt," I commented on his red skin, poking his chest, making him wince. "Sorry, babe."

He pouted. "What's wrong anyway, you were talking and flinging your arm around."

"Claudia called, so I buried my phone in the sand after talking to her."

He smiled and lunged at me, pushing me backwards and kissing me gently. "Now, your coming in the sea with me." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, striding down the beach, ignoring my yells of protest, even ignoring me trying to push his shorts down and slapping his sun burnt back.

Before I knew it, we'd waded into the water and he'd thrown me down, I took a deep breath before sinking slightly, only to float back up, gasping for breath and rubbing my eyes. I looked across at Kyle and Marc, who were both grinning at me, especially now my clothes were entirely soaked and I'd lost a flip flop in the water.

I pouted and folded my arms, before something thrashed against my leg, and a stinging sensation traveled up my nerve endings and made my leg ache. "Ow. Ow. Kyle, what have you done to me?" I asked, trying to pull my leg up and inspect it.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, concern washing over his features as he swam over.

"My leg hurts. A lot."

"Hm." He picked me up and held me close to his chest, wading out of the sea and onto the beach. He set me down on the wet sand and pulled my leg into his lap, inspecting it.

"You've been stung by a jellyfish," Marc informed me, looking over Kyle's shoulder, his wet hair dripping onto my wound.

I whined, dropping the rest of my body into a laying position. "I'm going to die, right?"

"No, I'll pee on it," Kyle said, gently placing my leg down on the sand and standing up, getting ready to drop his shorts.

"No!" I yelled, covering my eyes. "Don't pee on me!"

Marc chuckled. "Wait here, I'll get some vinegar." He jogged off up the beach and I moved my hand to look at Kyle.

"I just didn't want pee on my leg."