Be Together for One More Night


Kyle came back to visit me only once after that. He left a tiny navy blue box, with a note. I'd not opened the box or read the note that was concealed in a cream coloured envelope with my name scrawlled across the front. I knew what it'd say, and I knew what was in the box, sitting in the velvet bed, waiting to be placed on my finger.

It had been a couple of weeks, and now I was going home. My leg was still wrapped up in the heavy, itchy, unbelievably uncomfortable plaster, and I was having to use crutches to walk, but I was happy to be leaving. I wanted a proper comfy bed, with a duvet and big plump pillows to sleep on. I wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted at any time of the day, and see people whenever I pleased, rather than having to stick to stupid visiting hours at specific times of the day.

Dad was set for me to go back to Ireland with him. He'd called my grandmother and asked her to set up the spare bedroom for me. He'd even been round to mum's house to pack my things up in cardboard boxes and suitcases.

Everything was going to change. Maybe this was for the better. Kyle could find another girlfriend. Someone he could share memories and moments with, someone who was completely messed up in the head and had Caleb Turman following her wherever she went. Maybe if I left, the link between those two would break, and they wouldn't have to cross paths ever again. I know it'd make both of them happy.

Seated on the hospital bed, dressed in my own clothes, I sighed and looked around the cubicle that had been home for the past couple of weeks. The plastic jug at the end of the bed was empty, after having consumed all the orange juice that had filled it. The only thing left that belonged to me was the letter and the box.

I picked the box up and opened it, looking at the ring, sitting in the bed of velvet. The diamond in the middle sparkled up at me. I snapped the box closed and pushed it into the pocket of my hooded jacket. I then picked up the envelope and tore it open, letting it flutter to the bleach scented linoleum.

The creases in the paper were neat. He'd taken extreme time and care with this. So, he'd probably spilled his feelings out onto this page. I was careful when I opened out the folds and scanned the words on the page.


Words cannot explain how much emotional pain I'm in right now. You're leaving, going away for good and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Your dad seems like a better man than Brian ever could be, and I want you to go with him, I want you to be happy, and be away from the constant abuse and neglect. You deserve to be treated properly, and I know your dad will take care of you.

Now for the selfish part. I want you to stay here with me. I want to help you remember every single tiny piece of your life, if you still want to. I want us to be together, to have a future.

Seeing you kiss Caleb the other day made me think. I can't lose you to someone else. I know you and him aren't anything more than friends, believe me, I confronted him about it. But don't worry, no violence was involved. He cares about you, Isla, more than I ever realised.

I want you to forget about me. I want you to be happy. I want a smile on your face. I know you'll find someone else, and I know it'll hurt me, but I have to let you go. It's unfair to keep you here, when you could go to Ireland with your dad and live the life you deserve.

Take the ring with you. Don't keep it as a memento. Lock it away in the deepest, darkest corner of your bedroom, if you want. I want you to have it, since I could never give it to another. Isla, that ring is your's, it was bought for you, so it belongs to you.

Kyle x

I wiped away the tear that had fallen. I wish he'd told me this sooner, then maybe I could've changed my dad's mind. Maybe. Things could be different, we could still be together.

The cubicle's garish curtain opened and my dad stood, grinning at me. Only, his grin faltered when he saw the tears slowly falling down my cheeks.

The letter shook in my hands, and I inhaled deeply. Love is a strong emotion, and thats why I said what I had to next, "Dad, I need to talk to you, about Ireland. I don't want to leave anymore."