This Life of Mine

The Soundtrack To Your Life

Avani was sitting on her bed doing algebra and Mia was stationed on the chair doing the same homework. Suddenly Avani's voice penetrated the silence.

"Hey if your life had a soundtrack, what songs would be in it?"

"Hey you just disturbed me! I was really close to figuring out the value of 'X'" Mia complained.

Avani rolled her eyes. "It's four, now can you answer my question?" She asked in slight amusement. Mia didn't pay a lot of attention in math, but this past week she showed an unusual interest. Could this be because of a boy?

"It depends." Mia answered. "Can I go back to math now?"

"Why are you so interested in algebra all of a sudden? Is it a boy?" Avani asked sitting cross-legged.

"No." Mia replied truthfully. She just didn't have the guts to tell her best friend her secret.

"Oh." Avani said trying not to show her disappointment.

"So what are you gonna wear tomorrow?" Mia asked trying to change the subject.

"Clothes." Avani said.

Mia laughed. "No I meant... oh, you know what I mean."

"Yes I do. Tomorrow I'm going to wear jeans with my black belt, my Bobby Jack t-shirt with a long sleeved heart hoodie."

"What kind of shoes?" Mia asked.

"Uhh, my blue converses." Avani said.

"You have a mother that's a retired fashion designer, a father who's a lawyer and a brother that's a soccer player and that's what you wear?" Mia said heatedly.

"And your point..." Avani trailed on.

"My point is we can be the popular girls but we're not."

"Who wants to be popular?" Avani asked wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"I do. And I read your journal, and by the looks of it so do you." Mia said climbing on Avani's bed next to her.

Avani sighed. "That was last month. I've changed."

Mia finally admitted defeat. "Alright."

Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.

Mia's ring tone came on.



Mia gave Avani an apologetic look. "My dad called. Wants me home."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"Yeah. Bye." Mia took her stuff and walked out Avani's door. A few minutes later she could hear her mother saying "Good bye Mia." in her slight Indian accent.
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First chapter. Do you like? Should I delete it?