Draco Malfoy's Slave

Draco Malfoy's Slave 4

"Welcome, Brooke," Narcissa said kindly, taking in my frightened face.
"Yes, hello, Lee." Lucius said, smirking at Draco.
"Dinner's ready." Narcissa said. "Brooke can eat with us tonight, of course."
Draco pulled me along into the dining room and into the seat next to him. The food was excellent, fancy but i harldy tasted it.
I'd known Draco for years, though not well; we were in the same house, but not friends, but I'd never completelyrealized just how mean he was.

His large, hot hand rested on my knee, massaging gently, working its way up to migh thigh. He snapped the band of my underwear, laughing when i flinched, enjoying that his parents had no idea what was going on.

Dinner went by in a blur, though there were six courses, and finally Lucius said, "Draco, take your new toy to her room, yes?"

Draco nodded and led me up the stairs. He opened a door.... The room was huge, green and black, and a disaster. It looked like a tornado had hit. "This is my room," He said. He walked past his bed and opened another door. There was a tiny room, filled with my things. "This is yours," He said. "But i dont think you'll get much time in there."
He pulled off his shirt, his sneer growing, and walked toward me, hands outstretched.