Draco Malfoy's Slave

Draco Malfoy's Slave 7

"There you are," Draco said when i emerged back in his bedroom.
"Yep," I sighed, frowning.
"Smile," He said, his voice tinted with anger. I managed a fake smile and he smirked. "Very good. You learn fast."
"Mmmhmm." I sighed, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.
"Or not." He said, not mad now, but amused. He laughed and i joined in for a second before catching myself.
He took my hand in his and drew my toward him. He took my face in one hand and wiped the lipstick off my mouth. "Don't get me wrong," He said, "It's sexy, but it raises questions downstairs if i have lipstick on my face." He grinned and leaned toward me.
"No, don't, please!" I said, stumbling back.
But he didnt listen. He kissed me, this time deeper, richer.... "Ahhh," I sighed, then i realized what i'd done.
Draco pulled his lips away, a smile spreading across his face. "What was that?"
"Nothing!" I said too fast.
He sneered but said nothing, just kissed me again, with such fire and passion that it seemed to flow through my entire body with a hot, burning glow.
Before i realized what i was doing, i kissed him back. He laughed under my lips, still kissing, and hitched one of my legs around his hip. I pulled the other up, entwined around him like a vine on a tree. He pressed my back gently against the wall, his tongue tracing my lips....
Suddenly, i realized what i was doing, and i closed my mouth hard, bititng down on his lower lip.
"Ouch!" He shouted, stepping away and dropping me on the floor. "What the hell, Brooke?"
"Sorry, I...." I apologized, covering my face, sure that he would hit me.
He didnt. "It's okay," he said at last, licking blood off the bottom lip. "Sorry."
I gaped at him. "Sorry...?"
He grinned. "Maybe."