Draco Malfoy's Slave

Draco Malfoy's Slave 8

One Week Later
I hadnt seen Draco for four days. He and his father had left on some sort of business trip, leaving me alone...and bored. I was kept in his bedroom, and i cleaned it a little, having nothing else to do and not wanting him to be angry. I was sitting on the bottom of his bed now, looking out the window and dreaming, wanting to be free...free to do what i wanted.
Suddenly, the door banged open, and Draco was standing there, his clothes messy, his hair flopping around his face. "Brooke!" He slurred, and i knew he was drunk. Very drunk.
He stumbled totward me, arms outstretched, and pulled me tight to his chest. I struggled to get away, but his strength was a million times greater than mine, even when he was wasted.
His mouth was open, and i could smell fire whisky heavy on his breath. He pushed me down until i laid flat on my back on his bed, and he kissed me, kissed me hard and rough, so much that i could hardly breathe.His shirt was already mostly unbuttoned and he pulled it off and threw it onto the ground, keeping me attached to his side with one strong arm.
He straddled me, bending to keep his lips on mine, and i fought to get away, knowing it was hopeless, knowing he ws too strong....
"Kiss me, damn you!" He shouted, furious. "Kiss me!"
I was terrified of what would happen if i didnt obey, so, with trembling lips, i kissed him back. He laughed drunkenly, enjoying this, and he ripped the shirt i was wearing off me with his strong hands. I was shakning all over now, scared to death, but he didnt stop. He unhooked my bra and pulled it off with his teeth, kissing my neck and collarbone, his breath hot on my skin.
"Please!" I shouted. "Draco, please, stop!"
He didnt seem to hear me. He pulled his wrinkled trousers off, wearing only his boxers now, and pulled my sweat shorts off me, depsite my attemtps to keep them on. His hands traveled up and down my sides, burning hot against my cold skin.
He pulled a bottle from somewhere i couldnt see and held it to my lips. "Drink it," He mumbled unclearly, pouring the liquid into my mouth. The fire whisky burned my throatas i swallowed. It made me dizzy and lightheaded, but he kept me drinking until the bottle was empty. I could hardly think, and i certainly couldnt concentrate anymore.
He kissed my mouth fiercely, and i kissed him back now, too drunk with the whisky to understand anymore, or care. His burning lips traced my jaw and neck, down my shoulder and stomach. My hands tangled in his hair, holding him close.
I felt his hands on my underwear and i shivered, not knowing why, but feeling as though something bad would happen. I was too drunk to realize, and i shrugged off the feeling of foreboding, pulling him close to me....