Sick and Sad Patients on First Name Basis

Alternate Ending

ther others caught a cab to our hotel. it was late at night and i was holding Eevee. everyone else is sleeping.
Gym Class Heros' Cupid Chokehold played, signaling Ryan callling me.
i jumped up "Babe where are---"
"Ms. Jammy?? a voice asked.
"yes? who's this?"
"dr. Rosewell. do you know Mr. Ryan Ross?"
"ye-yes. whats wrong?"
"you might wanna come." i shut my phone.
i walked into the living room where Jon and Gerard where.
"guys?" i asked.
"yea hun?" Jon said.
"can you drive me to the hospital?"
i woke up Spence so he can watch Eevee.


at the hospital, i asked for Ryan.
"Ms. Jammy?" the doctor asked.
"sir, wheres Ryan?" i asked.
"only family can see him." the doctor said.
"doc, this is his wife." Jon said.
"fine. Ms. Jammy, follow me."

Ryan's room.

i broke down when i saw Ryan. he had tubes sticking in and out of him. he was having trouble breathing too. he looked like walking dead. his mom was there. she gave me a sympathic look.
"sweetie, ill leave you two alone." she left.
"Ryan? Ryan? well its me Jammy. your soon to be wife." i saw his chest rise and fall, slowly. he wasnt responsing at all.
"sweet, guess what? Eevee can stand up by herself now. no need to hold on to anything." his chest stopped moving. "Ryan!? Ryry. come on honey." i heard the rapid beat of the heart monitor. "come on Ryan! think of Eevee. think of you and me. RYAN!" the beat of the heart monitor got faster.
"n-no. HELP!" i yelled. Doctors rushed in and ushered me out.

waiting room

i cried on Gerard's shoulder. Jon was rubbing my back. Ryan's mom paced the room.
"Ms. Ross? Ms. Jammy?" the doctor came out.
"ye-yes." i sobbed.
"im so sorry. Ryan passed away." the doctor said.
i felt myself throw up and then i fainted.
i woke up but quickly closed my eyes. the bright lights hurt my eyes.
"hun, you okay?" i opened my eyes, it was Kacey, and Brenden was behind her.
i nodded until---
"NO! Ryan!" i sobbed.
"hun ..." Kacey started.
"NO! leave me alone." i cried. "i-im sorry just---"
"we know hun." Brenden said. then i saw his face. he looked like he been crying alot. i could still see tears.
"Brenden ..." i started.
"nah i know. he was your husband. heh i gotta stop." Brenden wiped his tears away.
"hun? you in here?" i saw Liana, Karen and Krista heads pop out.
"yea." i said.
"oh baby." Liana hugged me.
"sorry Jammy." Krista said.
"it be okay." Karen reassured

month later ...

i was home. i mean home home. Brooklyn home. well apt., but still.
i heard knocking on my door.
"come in." i said.
"hey sweet." it was Gerard.
"hey Gee."
"how you holding up?"
"shitty. everything reminds me of him. everytime Panic! calls, Target, alchol. that was a joke." i laughed dryly.
he hugged me. "still want that wedding?"
"i cant Ry---" i was interrupted by a kiss.
"Ge-gee. no---but---no!" i said.
"sorry. i just thought ... +sigh+ ever since i seen you in Target, i was kinda ya know. but Ryan got to you first. heh, i told what i thought and he joked that if anything happen to him, you're all mind." he laughed dryly.
"Gerard ..."
"i never took it seriously, i mean what was gonna happen to him? i never thought this ... well im sorry Jammy." he said.
i thought about Gerard. his hair was longer now. he was really good with Eevee. and he was hawt. but Ryan ...
"okay what?"
i gave him a look.


"do you, GErard Authpr Way take Jamie Lynn Soto to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"i do."
"and do you, Jamie Lynn Soto take Gerard Author Way to be your lawfully wedded husband."
"i do."
"by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."