Who Says Geeks Ain't Hawt?

Chapter Fifthteen

we were a corner. we as in me, Mikey, Benjy, Gerard, Frank, Ray and Bob. Kacey was home cause we were drinking. expect Gee.

_Gerard's POV_

i was watching the Losers getting drunk. _FUck! i want a DRINK!_ i thought-moaned. but someone needs to drive these kids home. a halfa hour later, a pull out a cigg. then someone bites it outta my mouth.
"MICHEAL!" i scream at him.
"haha Gee's all maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad" he splurred.
_ima kill him later_ i realized Benj and Frank were missing. oh well.
where are they?!?
a couple pf minutes later, im driving everyone home. all shitfaced by the by.
_i shouldnt cover Mike's ass. haha i should make him get in trouble._ i thought evilly.
then it hit me!
no, not an idea, a car.
well my car hit it. it passed a red light. i hit the side. but the two people in the other car went flying through the windsheild. Charlie woulda to but i grabbed her.
i felt something hit the back of my seat, and saw Mikey smash his head against the back of Charlie's seat. Bob came into the front.
"SHIT!" i yelled.
in a while, cops and and ambullette came. i had to take a drunk test thingy cause the other driver was drunk. i, of cousre wasn't drunk.
i wanna get a get good look at the driver. but then i saw something. i saw something that made me sick.
a scorpian tattoo on the drivers neck


i paced the hospital waiting room. thank god i was wearing a seat belt. Mikey broke an arm, Bob hit his head pretty bad, Charlie broke a buncha ribs, and Ray broke his ankle.
sadly, i didnt need Frank's parents coming to tell me it was him. that tattoo was enough. Benj was with him.
"GERARD1" my mom came in, hugging me.
"its cool mom i'm okay."
"an-and Mikey?"
"fine, busted his arm though, but fine."
"you weren't drunk right?" my dad asked.
Mrs. Iero walked to my parents. "i'm so sorry for Frank's actions."
"its o-okay." my mom said.
i saw Mikey and Frank came into the room.
"MIKEY!" my mom hugged him.
"mom---arm" he winced.
"oh sorry."
i glared at Frank. "you. outside."
he come with me outside, Mikey following.
"how you doing? what happened to you?" i asked Frank.
"im cool. messed up my shoulder and cracked a couple of ribs." he said.
"oh really." i grabbed his damaged shoulder and violently shoved him against the wall.
"AH! fuck that hurt!"
"so!? you coulda killed us all. Me, Mikey, Ray, Bob, Benj. heck Charlie---" i yelled.
"Char's knocked out. she broke all her ribs. doctors said she might not remember anything either ..." Mikey looked down.
"if---IF!---anything happens to her thats that bad ..." i took a dramatic pause. "i WILL kill you"
back inside, the doctor came out.
"Are you the Mimzys?" the doctor asked.
"no but blopod can't make us closer." i said.
"alright. well we can't reach the parents. im sorry to say ..."

_Regular POV_

i woke up in a bright room.
"OMG SHES UP! COME QUICK! COME QUICK!" i heard someone yell.
i turned to my right. i saw a boy with shaggy hair and glasses.
"hey. remember me?" the glasses-ed one asked.
"... you're ... you're someone very close to me. i ... we're together, right?"
"yea. im your boyfriend, Mikey." he said.
"... OMG! MIKEY! WHERES GEE? AND RAY? AND BOB, BENJ AND FRANK?!" i remembered everything. yayness!
"thank god you remember us!" Gee appeared.
"YAYNESS!" and in a second, i was drowned in blond fro.
"Frank, whats wrong?" i looked at him "guys where's Benj?"
they all looked down.
"the silence is very reassuring." i said.
Gerard looked up. "beautiful, im sorry. Benjy's dead."
"NO! that can't be true!" i yelled.
"i sorry beautiful. i really am." Gerard took my hand.
silence again. then Frank stood up. "h-he was with me. i drove drunk. im so sorry, please forgive me."
"NO! I CAN'T! you just took the last piece of family i had!" i yelled at him.
"what is this? these--these people find out about my son's death before i---his mother!---knows. and you! you killed him!" my mom pointed to Gerard and Frank.
"dont yell at Gerard! he saved me. and why do you care!? you never cared for either of us!" i yelled.
"how dare you---" John raised his hand.
"touch her and see what happens!" Ray warned.
they all agrued until---"SHUT UP! OUT! EVERYONE OUT!" i yelled.
"but im---" my mom started.
"i dont care! OUT!" i yelled. "Mikey, you stay" i said as they started to leave.
when everyone was gone i collasped. "Mi-Mikey. what now? i can't face them alone." i sobbed.
"shh its okay babe. shh" he kissed me.
i stayed in his arms the rest of the day.
aww. i feel so bad for her.
two days later im home. i been home for a week. i havn;t been to school, only talked to Mikey.
"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" John yelled.
"what?!" i dint care what he did to me anymore.
"dont talk to me like that!" he punched me. "i gotta letter from your school. says you havnt been going." shoved me down to the floor. he got on top of me and started punching me. my ribs were killing me. they weren't healed yet.
_Hes killing me_ i thought.
then outta no where, he was tackled.
last thing i saw before i passed out was a scorpian.
i woke up yet a gain in a hospital room.
"OY VEY [omg in Russian]! shes up." i heard Bob yell. and once again im choking on blond fro.
"Ra-ray! my---ribs." i gasped.
"Oh gee, im sorry." he jumped back.
"yayness! John's in jail by the by." Gerard said.
"wheres Frank?" i asked.
"here ..." he piped.
"FRANK-A-LIOUS! you saved me!" i said.
"yea well, i was going to bake you a pie. BUT i cant bake. so i bought you cookies. then i saw John beating on you and i though 'well thats not cool'. so then i be SuperFrankMan." he laughed.
"Francis, get your gangsta ass here so i can hug ya!" i jumped.
"YAYNESS!" he hugged me tight."
"sorry. ima hug Gee and pretend its you" he huuged Gerard.
"Frank ... let. me. go." Gerard hissed. we all laughed.
the rest of the year went by fast. the Ways took me in. i loved it. the Ways paid for Benjy's funeral/wake. i must admit the=at for the first few months, i cut myself. i even thought of suicide but two things stopped me. my friends. and i was pregant with Mikey's baby. Kacey had a healthy baby boy: Francis Anthony Iero Junior. or Baby Frank.
now. its Octcber 5, 2006. My Chemical Romance is the greates thing since wonder bread. The Black Parade is coming out soon. and my daughter, Elena, is an awesome bassist, for a 1o year old.