Into Abeyance

Intoxicating Memories

Then it was like old times, both of them could see memories of so many nights before in this exact same position, but on different bathrooms and with high doses of alcohol mixing in their bodies.

”I think I’m going to the bathroom St-“

Lia started to say, then doubled up and pressed her hands on top of her stomach, pursing her lips shut so that she wouldn’t vomit right there. She hated people that did that and then left for others to clean their lack of body control. She told herself that she was better than them as her boots echoed through the linoleum floor and into the bathroom. She pushed her hair back and let the contents of her stomach fall unto the once white toilet. She felt someone stagger in, and she looked behind her shoulder to see a muscular tanned guy with hair cut so short it gave him the appearance of being a cadet.

“Mmm maybe I’ll do something more than pee...”

He mumbled, walking closer to Lia. Her grey orbs widened in surprise. Then a hand went on the cadet’s shoulder, pushing him away from her.

“No disturbing the lady.”

A stern voice ordered. The cadet laughed as he took in the tall boy in a pair of jeans and loose long sleeve. The boy looked at him with furious chocolate eyes, a strand of jet black hair falling over his eyes was quickly swapped away with annoyance.

“What are you going to do about it, kid?”

The cadet said with a laugh, giving Steve his back. That was a mistake. Steve grabbed the cadet’s wrist and pushed him towards him, making the cadet loose balance. Steve sized that opportunity to clench his fist and hit the muscular cadet straight in the face, bone against bone. A thin trail of blood made a curve in the air, remains of it on the cadet’s sore lip and others on Steve’s knuckles. The cadet was about to respond with a kick or two of his own when others with a similar haircut took him by the arms.

“We’re not going to let you get us into trouble again, General said he wouldn’t tolerate it!”

One of them told the guy who angered even more but allowed his companions to lure him away. Steve quickly entered the bathroom to watch a stumbling Lia washing her mouth and hands with water. She dried them with the hem of her shirt, exposing a flat, pale, stomach.

“Thank you.”

She nodded as she faltered towards him using the wall as a support.


He had uttered. She stumbled forward and he quickly caught her before she hit the ground, pressing her against his chest. She rubbed her face on his chest, her hands grabbing the sweater.

“You smell don’t smell like vomit.”

She had verbalized into his chest.

“Em, thank you?”

She laughed like a child without letting go. There was a desperate tap of shoe against floor. They both looked up to a girl dressed up in latex.

“Are you going in or what?”

She snapped at both of them which rapidly went out of her way. They giggled as they crossed the dance floor and walked towards the beach in an attempt to sober Lia up.

“So... what’s your name?”

She inquired once they were settled in the sand in front of the tranquil sea. The silver moon was shinning on the clear sky, reflecting its beauty on the gigantic body of water.

“Steve. What’s yours?”


“What a pretty name. Lily.”

She smiled then and didn’t fuss about correcting him. She was happy at that moment, wrapping her trembling arms against his firm and toned one.

“Tonight, Steve, you were my savior.”

She told him with a smile. He was silent for a bit, playing with her blond strands of hair.

“Tonight, Lily, you were my present.”

“Your present?”

She inquired as she raised an eyebrow.

“It’s my birthday today.”

Lia grinned at this, standing up quickly.

“Let’s get royally drunk then!”

She yelled eagerly, tugging him by the sleeve towards the nearest bar.

“But we only got you sobered up!”

“Oh come one I wasn’t even drunk enough!”

* * *

After three bottles of pure vodka Steve and Lia were stumbling into a motel bathroom, neither of them willing to walk home.

“I go first.”

Lia slurred as she cradled the toilet, everything a blur around her.

“I can’t see shit.”

Steve murmured cursing as he ran into the wall.

“Come on, this’ll help.”

Lia ordered, pulling him towards her on the cold floor.


Steve stated as his arms circled Lia’s small waist and pulled her closer.


His fingers tangled around her hair. They laid there, eyes closed, hearts beating loudly. Steve opened his eyes slowly.

“I still can’t see.”

He stated. Lia groaned, standing up and pulling him with her.

“I always hate to use this one...”

She moaned as she stepped into the shower and Steve with her. Her fingers wrapped around the handle and she turned it eagerly, the ice cold water sipping through their bones. They both screamed at the coldness and wrapped their arms around each other as their hair stuck to their faces. They laughed.

Steve’s fingers played with Lia’s hair absentmindedly, a small smile on his lips as Lia hiccupped.

“You okay now, Lil?”


Lia mumbled, cuddling nearer to Steve’s chest, rubbing her face against his chest as she loved to do.

“Do you want to talk about why you came back?”

Lia bit her lip and then sighed, nodding her head.

“Steve...Remember how I said I would never come b-back unless...unless I was dead?”


“Well, I am.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Is there somewhere else where we can talk about this? Its kind of serious...”
Lia said with a laugh. Steve forced one as he stood up, taking Lia’s hand and leading her to the room that used to be the ‘fancy dining room’ but now could be referred to ‘the room with less of a mess’. Lia sat and faced Steve, she started to explain all about her state.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update of the day, not my best I do accept that much... I'm kinda down.