MAC7RX School

First Day

Mikey Way's POV:

Another year of high school, and another day for the teens we accept. I Mikey way am the head master at MAC7RX this stands for: My Avenged Chemical Seven Romance Fold. The member off My Chemical Romance, I'm one of them, and the member of Avenged Sevenfold got together and discussed working with Jamie from the charity, 'To Write Love On Her Arms' and opened this school for people who have it tough in life, family problems, suicide attempts, self-harming, and stuff like that. Each member from MCR and A7X are each some form of teacher, also members from other bands like Hayley Williams.

Anyway it's the first year and I'm nervous how it'll go, I just hope it all goes well.

Jimmy's POV

it's first period of the new school, we're in form I stood in front of the class and there was a loud cheering, and I shouted,


The class just laughed at me. Then I laughed and said to them,

'I'm guessing you all know who I am?'

Someone was brave enough to out up their hand, and say,

'I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are! Please can you tell me who you are?'

I said to this punk,

'Well have you ever heard of Avenged Sevenfold?'

He nodded, then said,

'I only like a couple of songs but the songs I like are aw sum, especially the drumming, I want to be able to drum like the dude!'

'Guess what...I AM that dude you wanna be like!'

'Oh my god! Your the rev!'

'Yeah, thought you didn't know who I was!'

'Well I only heard you guys and know you names, never actually seen your pictures or whatever.'

I laughed then turned my attention to the class and said,

'Okay, my rules are, if you get bullied here come straight to me, hurt anyone else I will make sure you are expelled, any problems tell someone! So now I'm going to take the register and set you off to go to your next lesson, and I am the English literature teacher! And sometimes I'll come in without a top.'

Time Lapse: 1Hour

Gerard Way's POV

I walked into my first class this morning, alto of the students looked slightly worried, others looked really happy, I'm guessing because there here to sort out their problems. I introduced myself to the class,

'Hello, you can call me Professor Way, or just Gee I don't mind, I shall be teaching you science. Any questions?'

One girl put her hand up, and asked,

'Erma, what exactly are you going to teach us this year?'

'Well this year, I am going to teach you guys about plants, the human body, blowing things up, and stuff like that, can I ask what is you name love?'

'I'm Kat, sir!'

'Nice name, anyway on with the lesson'

I taught this class with no interruptions, it was pretty weird, everyone was well behaved well I supposed I should tell Mikey about this see if we can do anything about it!'

Time Lapse: 1Hour

Bob Bryar's POV

I'm teaching music this year, I was glad when I found this out because I love music, it was either music or media. I had an aw sum class before lunch all loved music, allot played guitars, bass, drums, and sung amazingly. Each person had their own individual talent. We all set up our own bands, the best one in the class was, a quintet which consisted of five people called, Kat which sung amazingly, Tash who played leads and had a good pair of lungs on her, Bob who played rhythm ,Victoria who could give Mikey a run for his money on bass, and Lindsey who played drums amazingly! I'm glad we signed up to do this.

Victoria's POV

Music was the best lesson of the day, plus I got to make four friends my favorite is Kat. They have each been through some tough times, and still are. At lunch we sat at the same table, and discussed music, and loads of other things, it's like we were all destined to meet each other. Our next lesson was English literature with Jimmy, or Mr. Rev as some call him. I sat in-between Kat and Bob and we never paid attention all the way during class until Jimmy shouted at Bob,


He went bright red, then Jimmy said,

'Good, now pay attention! And the same to the two girls!'

We laughed but paid attention to the rest of the lesson. We then went to our last lesson which was math with Matt, or Mr. Shadows. I was afraid to mess about in his lesson by the introduction we got,

'Hello, I'm Matt or Mr. Shadows, mess about I will make sure you go and see Mikey, or I will shout louder than Jimmy.'

But he wasn't bad as a teacher. Not boring, except when he shouted,


after I asked to go to the toilets but then he said,

'I'm only joking, go on but be quick!'

This entire day went quickly I'm sad to leave but ow ell, I'll be back soon
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new story a bit random i know
but I'm bored