MAC7RX School

Amy Lee and Josh Hartzler

Beth's P.O.V.

I am glad Amy Lee is letting me stay with her, she is my idol and inspiration for singing and playing guitar. To be told that I am a good singer by suck a wonderful singer is amazing. I got to leave school early, so that I could get my stuff before my mum woke up, luckily there was a substitute nurse like there is substitute teachers. As we passed Bert he shouted, 'WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SKIVEING YOU STUPID SLAG'. We ignored him and made our way to Amy's car. She drove me to my house no-one was in luckily. I ran up the stairs and rammed as many t-shirts and pants and stuff as I could into a bag. I ran back down the stairs but as I did, someone grabbed hold of the back of me, I screamed,

'Get Off!'

I turned around and staring me in the face was the guy from last night, I screamed but he just covered my mouth, I was scared he was going to rape me again, I bit his hand and ran off before he could catch up to me, when I got to Amy's car she asked,

'You didn't have to rush!'

'I know, but I did and as I was leaving the guy from last night was there'

Amy was about to get out of the car but I stopped her and said,

'Just leave it!'

'But why, he hurt you and scared you for life he has to pay!'

'It doesn't matter!'

'It does, but I can't go against what you want, anyway off to mine!'

I smiled, and on the journey to Amy's we joked and laughed. We drove past the town and into a little countryside village just out of town, it was really cute. We went up a little street and stopped outside of a little cottage. It had rose bushes outside, and was really cute. Amy said,

'Home Sweet Home!'

'It's pretty!'

Amy smiled and we went inside. It was pretty big, a man with a stubble beard style came out of the kitchen and hugged Amy, and asked her,

'Who's the stranger?'

Pointing to me, Amy smiled and said,

'That's Beth, remember I told you she is staying with us!'

'Oh yeah!'

He came over to me holding out his hand saying,

'Hello Beth, I'm Josh, Amy's Husband'

'Hello! Thanks for letting me stay in you're wonderful house!'

'No problems! Always wanted a child but like we don't have time for one but you're a teenager so it's easy to look after you computer, and food.'

Amy laughed and I laughed. Amy and Josh showed me about the place and led me to my room, it was all set up and ready, there was even a computer Amy told me,

'It has Internet and stuff so you can go on, 'MSN' or, 'Myspace' if you have it'

'Thanks, I owe you guys so much!'

'Just help around the house with cleaning, and it will all be fine!'

I smiled and we spent the evening at a restaurant because Josh couldn't go shopping because he had to get stuff ready for me staying.
♠ ♠ ♠
in-case you didn't know like Beth (real Beth ChemDrive479)
Amy Lee is married to Josh Hartzler

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