MAC7RX School

New Friends

Victoria's P.O.V.

I sat at the chairs listening to music off my 'Ipod' in an attempt to block Bert saying, 'STUPID MOTHERFUCKER CAN YOU NOT GET A HINT AFTER TWO MONTHS'. But today Beth came in with Amy Lee and sat down next to me,she looked at the floor, I asked her,

'Hey, you okay?'

She looked up, smiled and nodded and asked,

'And you?'

'Yeah thanks, so how did you end up here? In this school?'

She didn't reply, I said,

'How about I tell you my reason, maybe it will make you feel more confident to tell me? Okay'

She nodded, I told her about my mum and about how I reacted to it. I started thinking of my mum, wondering how she is getting on and if she actually cares I'm not there any more. I also told Beth how I ended up living with Johnny. I then asked,

'So, how did you end up here?'

She took a deep breath, and said,

'Well, my prostitute! And sometimes some of her, 'clients'....Some times...Some times they rape me'

She broke down crying, I reached over and hugged her saying,

'Everything is okay, don't worry you have friend?'

She shook her head, I asked,

'Everything will be okay just try and be happy I know it's hard!'

'No, I have no friends, because I flirt with teachers I can't help it I probably picked it up from a young age and stupid stuff like that so no-one ever bothered being my friend'

'That's a shame, I'll be you're friend!'

Her face lit up as she looked up at me,


I nodded, she gave me hug, and said,

'Thanks, you'd be my second friend!'

'Who's you're first?'

'A child-hood friend, but he moved away and I lost contact he was the only other friend I had'

I gave her a hug and said,

'Maybe you'll see him again!'

'I hope!'

I spent all day with her, and trying to get my friend to be nice to her. But it was hard, and i didn't want to tell them about Beth's mum being a prostitute.
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they are short at the moment, but I'm going to do an ass long chapter at some point