MAC7RX School

My Bloody Valentine

Tasha's P.O.V.

I don't like Valentines Day everyone is so happy but I feel depressed about it, maybe that's because I attempted suicide two years ago on this day. But I didn't want to celebrate a happy time of year alone and without my boyfriend. He killed himself by stabbing himself in the heart, three years ago. I loved him so much, but I suppose I should let go, but letting go is hard to do when you love someone. The sad thing is the killer was never killed, and his best friend didn't seem that upset in-fact he almost seemed glad but I suppose that's how he reacts, but strangely enough he seemed to be there for me, and I always thought he hated me.

Flash Back

I was walking home with Frankie my boyfriend, and his best friend Mikey, but Mikey was kind of upset that none of us were talking to him. I only got to see Frankie once a day and fully at the weekends, Mikey got to see him everyday apart from the weekends. It's a shame we go to different school's but the only way I can go to the same school as him was if I was to become a male, I would do that but my mum would kill me. We stopped outside my house, and Frankie kissed me goodbye but Mikey looked like he was about to burst into tears, and he looked really angry, when I waved bye to him.

Mikey's P.O.V.

I hated watching Frankie with Tasha, I loved her so much but she would never know, she wouldn't even care. I hate being rude to her but if I'm not I will burst out crying, it's worse when Frankie talks about her all the time I feel like punching him and telling him how I feel for her and how he doesn't deserve a girl like her. Today was like that, today I slept at Frankie's I knew I was going to admit I loved his girlfriend, and if I did he would kill me. He talked about her again, I just snapped and picked up a knife and tackled him to the ground, he looked up at me and said,

'What the fuck are you doing Mikey?'

I felt tears falling down my face, I shouted at him,

'I LOVE TASHA, I would kill you just to have her!'

'Dude, calm down. You don't have to kill me, if you liked her you should have told me before I said yes to her asking me out!'


'Okay. calm down!'

I didn't say anything back, in-fact I just felt my hands gripping the knife tighter and pushing down hard and with lots of force. I looked down and saw blood coming out and around where the knife was, I can't believe I just killed my best friend just because I loved his girlfriend. I sat on his bed and cried, I almost picked up the knife myself but then his phone rang, I answered it it was Tasha, I was in such a state I don't think she understood what I said, she then asked me,

'Is Frankie there?'

I thought I can't tell her I killed him just because I loved her, I'll have to lie, I replied,

'He committed suicide, I tried stopping him but he couldn't go on anymore.'

I could here crying, she didn't cry silently, she didn't even turn her phone off, I just heard her crying and it was my fault, I didn't now what to say I was a murderer, I am going to haunted by this.

Flash Back Ends

Tasha's P.O.V.

I walked to Frankie's grave, as I was walking up I saw a figure. I ran up to see who it was, it was Mikey I asked him,

'How are you?'

'Sad, you?'

'Depressed, I can't believe it's been three years! I was just thinking about what happened that day! When we was walking back he looked so happy and full of hope and dreams but really he was suicidal!'

Mikey shocked me by saying,

'He wasn't suicidal, he was full of hope and dreams and was happy. Mainly because of you, but didn't commit suicide!'

'Then what happened?'

I looked at Mikey and saw tears rolling down his face, he answered my question though,

'That night I....Snapped, I was fed up of him talking about you, because I have loved you, I always have even before you like him, I killed him. I wanted you so badly but I should have known I would never have you. Killing him or not. I regretted after-wards, but I couldn't turn back the hands of time! I know you will hate me I wouldn't blame you for not talking to me.'

I never said anything, I felt like hitting him but I couldn't, I felt like I wanted to burst out crying and running away from him, but I stood there I never said anything. After five minuets of complete silence, Mikey turned around and started walking away. I stood there another five minuets and went home. I picked up my phone and called Mikey but he never picked up the phone so I went to his house. I knocked on his bedroom door no reply, I try-ed again, still no reply, I then decided to just open his door, and as I did I saw him stood there holding a gun to his head, I screamed,


Tears were rolling down his face, he said,

'Why not, I killed you're boy friend, just because I loved you and you would never now, I still love you. But you will never be mine after finding out what I really did!'

I walked over to him, as I did he lowered the gun a little bit. When I reached him I hugged him, I didn't say anything, I just stood hugging him. I felt his arms wrapping around me and I heard a thud on the floor I guessed it was the gun.
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My Bloody Valentine is in-fact a song which is were I got the inspiration, by Good Charlotte, listen to it if u haven't before.

Mikey isn't the head teacher of the story it's just someone called Mikey, and same for Frankie