MAC7RX School

MCR Kisses

Tasha's P.O.V.

I couldn't wait to see Mikey and tell him about MCR Day. He would be so jealous because he also loves My Chemical Romance and he wants to celebrate MCR Day with me. Though we have been spending allot more time together since he attempted suicide. It has been nice but I'm not sure if he still loves me. Just before I was about to walk out of school Lyn-Z came up to me smiling asking,

'How have you been Tasha? Been nice to see you smile! Allot more'

I looked up at Lyn-Z and said,

'I've been great thanks off to celebrate the rest of MCR Day with a very good friend I helped a few months ago!'

Lyn-Z smiled down at me and said, 'Good'. I then ran off almost skipping to see Mikey, As I was making my way to shop were we met I thought about when I was younger, when I had a little kid's crush but I would still love to go out with him because I still kind of like him. When Mikey saw me he came running up to me and hugged me and said,

'Happy MCR Day! Had fun?'

'Hell Yeah, at school we celebrated MCR Day instead of doing our lessons in the afternoon, and the guys played live!'

'Wow, I'm jealous! But I have some good news!'


'I'm going to, 'MAC7RX' Next year!'

I jumped up hugging him, and at that point a group of snobs were walking down and said,

'Well, isn't that cute the emo's have other feeling apart from depression!'

Mikey was about to slap her but I stopped him and said,

'Their not worth it, especially on MCR Day!'

'You're right!'

He smiled at me, I could feel myself blushing. We made our way to a little field were Mikey had set up a little picnic and there was a stereo sat next to the blanket, Mikey placed a CD into the right compartment and then, My Chemical Romance, 'Helena' blasted through. I started to jump bout happily until I fell over and landed on top of Mikey. I went really red and he did too, but at the same time we looked into each other's eyes and we closed into each other and kissed. When we stood up, Mikey asked me,

'Tasha, would you please be my...girlfriend?'

I stood staring at him, trying to absorb what he said, then said,


While wearing a big smile, he smiled back and hugged me.