MAC7RX School


Beth's P.O.V.

I heard the bell ring, but Victoria never showed up, Johnny did but he didn't stop for to ask him. I was scared Victoria wasn't in and Burt was hung-over which means he would be grumpier than usual and he scares me. I thought I'd be alone today but a new student came in, a guy he looked oddly familiar, he had baby blue eyes, and his hair flopped over his face, I stared at him trying to figure out if I knew him he looked directly back at me. He walked over to me and asked,

'Erma, odd question but are you called Beth?'

I nodded and asked,


'Well, I have a best friend, well used to have a best friend called Beth Cooper, but she moved away with her mum'

'I'm Beth Cooper!'

I thought hack to when I was about five and remember this little boy called Jack, he was my best friend but we lost contact and I never saw him again, maybe this is the Jack I remember, I asked him,

'Are you called Jack Harkness?'


I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug, he asked me,

'Why, are you hugging me?'

'Remember when you the age of five at all?'

'Yeah....OH GOD! I definitely remember you, what happened?'

'Mum moved away Dad was getting us into too much trouble where we were, so yeah!'

'That sucks!'

'I suppose, anyway why are you coming here!'

'Bullying at my old school, and folks just moved up here'

'Awwww, why were the bullying you, you're a sweet person who wouldn't harm a fly'

He looked at the floor uncomfortable, then took a deep breath and said,

'Don't be creep-ed out or anything but...I...Have a....Boyfriend!'

'Cool, you're gay?'

'No, I'm bisexual but either way people weren't happy about it!'

'Well that sucks! Evil homophobic bastards!'

He laughed at me, then his mum walked over to us and asked Jack,

' Made a new friend already?'

'No, found an old friend'

I said to his Mum,

'Hey Mrs. Harkness'

'Oh god, hello Bethany, been a while who's you're mum?'

'She's fine thanks!'

'Good! Anyway Jack and I will be having a tour around the school from Johnny'

Time Lapse

I hate R.E. Mainly because Victoria doesn't have it when I have it, and I find it boring but today it was better because Jack came to the lesson, when I waved at him people were looking at me funny like, 'How does SHE now the new guy'. Loads of the girl fancied him but he had a boyfriend so no chance. Johnny noticed I was waving at him so sat him next to me. We spent the lesson catching up,a and discussing random things, Johnny shouted at us five times but it didn't make any effect. We spent all lunch time just us two together, until a girl went up to Jack, she whispered something to him, but he just said,

'Go away!'

The girl looked horrified and shocked by what he said, and all the other girls looked at me evilly. I just ignored them and talked to my best friend.

Time Lapse

Jack's P.O.V.

I sat at the computer talking all night to Lewis, my current boyfriend

Jack <3 His Baby : Hey Babes

Lewis&#9829;Jack : Hey sugar, how was your 1st day at the school?

Jack <3 His Baby : Really good, met an old friend who moved away

Lewis&#9829;Jack : Cool, anyway this may possibly break ur heart!

Jack <3 His Baby : What is it?

Lewis&#9829;Jack : It dosn't matter now

Jack <3 His Baby : you now you can tell me anything babes!

Lewis&#9829;Jack : but I don't want to hurt you

Jack <3 His Baby : it can't be bad?

Lewis&#9829;Jack : i'll tell you

Jack <3 His Baby : okay

Lewis&#9829;Jack : I dont love you anymore, i love some one else and they love me back

Jack <3 His Baby : o...okay so taht means that

Lewis&#9829;Jack : I'm dumping you

Jack <3 His Baby : :'(

Lewis&#9829;Mathew : We can still be friend

Jack </3 : sure!

I signed out at that point not saying bye to the one I love, but he doesn't love me anymore, he loves Mathew. I wept into my hands then my mum came upstairs, I quickly wiped away my tears, as she came in holding the house phone, she said,

'It's Beth love!'

'Thanks, hi Beth'

'Hey Jack, how are you?'


'What's happened?'

'Lewis, broke up with me for someone else!'

'Evil bastard, I am going to kill him for hurting you!'

'Don't, please don't'

'Okay, but just remember, it's not you're fault!'

'How is it not! God I'm so stupid for thinking we all always be in love with each other!'

'It's not you're fault, because he's the one that left you for someone that will leave him, just remember stay strong! And don't do anything stupid please'

'Okay I promise, anyway got to go bye bye'


I put the phone next to me, and thought about lewis then thought about what Beth said, she's right but I still feel heart ache, I wish life was easier I wish there was no pain.