MAC7RX School


Beth's P.O.V.

I can't believe Jack is still holding onto Lewis, I have tried getting him to forget about him but nothing worked. Victoria even tried but that did no good. But something took a turn for the worst Jack started skipping school and one day when he did come in I noticed something on his arm, there was red marks, he had been cutting himself, I confronted him about it but he just said,

'Leave me alone!'

But one day everything everything went better, Mikey had twin sons who were starting, 'MACR7X', one was called Johnny, the other son was called Ianto. They weren't identical twins luckily, anyway when Jack first saw Ianto he fell in love with him straight away and forgot about Lewis.

Jack's P.O.V.

One of the new guys is really hot he has emerald green eyes, and dark brown hair. I loved his eyes the most though especially when he looks at me when he talks to me, and when the sun shines on them. On Saturday I went into town with him, he asked me I was so glad he asked me and no-one was coming either. We didn't really go to many shops in fact we spent more time getting to know each other. We then got to the subject of out love life. He asked me,

'Are you going out with anyone currently?'

'No, you?'

'No, but there is someone I really like!'

'Who's the lucky person?'

'I don't really want to tell you yet no offense, but I want to see how we get on, do you like anyone?'

'Well, I more love them but yeah!'

'Cool, who is it, or do you not want to tell me?'

'It's you!'

I looked to the floor waiting for him to go away from me, or say something to me, but he just calmly replied,

'I like you, you're the one I like!'

'Really, I thought you was straight like you're brother!'

'Really! I loved you from the first moment'

'Me too!'

We both smiled at each other, then we started closing in a bit and we kissed with passion and love. After I asked Ianto,

'Will you go out with me?'

He smiled and replied,


I jumped up and attacked him with a hug.

Time Lapse

I was on 'MSN' talking to beth telling her the good news

Jack <3 Ianto : Hey, I have some good news!

Lithium Beth : Hey, what's the good news!

Jack <3 Ianto : I'm going out with Ianto

Lithium Beth : Congratulations, since when?

Jack <3 Ianto : Today, we were in town together and we started talking about love life and stuff

Lithium Beth : Then?

Jack <3 Ianto : Well he asked if I was going out with anyone, and I asked if he was and I asked him if he liked anyone you get what I mean

Lithium Beth : Yeah, so after all that you told him?

Jack <3 Ianto : Yeah, he admitted he liked me back then, we kissed and I asked him

Lithium beth : I'm glad you found someone you love!

Jack <3 Ianto : Thanks, are you having any luck with finding anyone?

Lithium Beth : No! But I'm happy at the moment, anyway sorry I got to go bye

Jack <3 Ianto : bye bye

Beth signed out, after ten minuets Lewis came on, I didn't start talking to him but he started talking to me.

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : Hey you okay?

Jack <3 Ianto : Yeah, you?

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : No!

Jack <3 Ianto : What's wrong?

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : Well, I feel bad for letting you go and choosing Mathew

Jack <3 Ianto : Okay, and?

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : I still love you

Jack <3 Ianto : Well I don't love you anymore, I'm over you and have a new boyfriend

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : What? You love someone else?

Jack <3 Ianto : Yeah, can you not guess from my 'MSN' name?

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : Oh, I thought it was something else like a friend!

Jack <3 Ianto : No chance, my boyfriend the one I love

Lewis &#9829; Mathew : Fine, you will never have me again!

Jack <3 Ianto : Good I never want you again

I signed out and then rung Ianto. I spent the rest of the night talking to him, I didn't go to sleep till about one in the morning.