MAC7RX School

Self-Harm Group

Bob's POV

I was talking to Kat this morning this morning during registration, but I was scared of Jimmy shouting at me again. I asked her,

'So, why did you come here? Just wondering?'

'Well, at home I was all alone I very rarely saw my parents, and when I saw them it was like I wasn't there according to them. I lived with my grandparents, but they are both dead now, so I live with a foster family, they are really nice but there's times when i go into depression and cut myself sometime I pass out because of blood loss!'

'Wow, that's pretty bad!'

'Yeah, but people have had worse!'

'Yeah' I looked to the floor, then Kat asked me,

'So, why are you here?'

'Well, I am in depression allot because of shit! And I used to take drugs, and cut myself. I ended up in the wrong crowd of people, but I was saved by an old friend, which I lost contact with. But you've been through worse!'

'I'd say they're equally worse, if you get what I mean!'


At this point in time Victoria came in late, she was out of breath she must have ran or something, and she was listening to music, so Jimmy said,

'Well, late I wouldn't mind, and I'll ignore the music if it's something good!'

Victoria took deep breaths trying to regain her breath and said,

'I'm....I'm sorry Jimmy, over....over slept!'

'Okay, okay, but what are you listening to?'

She took a deep breathe then she regained her breath and said,

'I'm listening to 'Beast and The Harlot'!'

'I don't believe you!'

'Listen then!'

She passed him her Ipod and he put the earphones in his ears and then started doing an air-drum style to 'Beast and the Harlot' and sang along. Then at the end of the song passed her her Ipod back and said,

'Go and sit down then!'

Victoria took her place next to me and smiled, I smiled back. When the bell rung we just stayed in out place because we had double Jimmy this morning. But we spent all morning discussing what we thought of old bands from the 70's and 80's like Iron Maiden, Guns 'N' Roses, and Bon Jovi. When Jimmy was going round checking work he must of over heard us and joined in our discussion of Guns 'N' Roses.

After double Jimmy we had Drama. After about five minuets of waiting Matt came around the corner, we thought he was going to teach us drama but then he asked,

'Where's Hayley?'

A girl replied,

'We don't know sorry sir!'

He growled and turned around and went back to his class room. When Matt had gone around the corner Hayley came around and said,

'Sorry I'm late, got caught up with something, that happened to someone in my last class, anyway in you go!'

We all piled in the class and started getting excited.

Kat's POV

I love drama, it's gives you so much confidence. But then Mikey our head teacher came in the room and asked for Me, Bob, Victoria and Tasha. We looked at each other confused then he reassured us we weren't in trouble. We followed him out of the room and to a class room where a set of chairs had been set into a circle and sat in one a chair was a man with short brown hair, and had a bit of stubble and he was wearing a 'To Write Love On Her Arms' tee. He motioned us to sit down and said,

'Well I'm guessing your wondering, 'what the heck am I doing here?'

We nodded, then he carried on by saying,

'Well this is a small group to discuss about self-harming, we think four or five people is big enough, because big groups might put people off, and from we noticed of the first day is how we go off who should be in each group!'

Mikey then sat down next to this man, and he said,

'We're going to ask each of you you're name, full or just your first name, and one talent you are most proud of, I know Bob is proud of you guys musically! So that's something just as long as it's positive'

The guy with brown hair started by saying,

'I'm Jamie, and I am able to help people who are in need!'

He then looked to Tasha on his left, she stood up and said,

'I'm Natasha, I can sing and play guitar!'

Then Bob said,

'I'm Robert, and I am able to complete guitar hero aerosmith completely 100% on Expert on xbox360'

Then it was me,

'I'm Kat, and I can sing and scream sing, if you get what I mean!'

Then it was Victoria,

'I'm Victoria, and I can play guitar electric, acoustic, and bass and i can play drums'

The Mikey said,

'I'm Mikey Way, and I play bass guitar for a band!'

We all smiled and had a little joke then Jamie said,

'Are you guys proud of you talent, or completions?'

We all nodded, then he carried on,

'For next month, which will be the next time I see you I want you guys as a band like I know you are, Bob told Mikey, to write a song about how hard life has been for you and what helps you get through it! Okay'

We all nodded and smiled, we liked the sound of this idea. |Then we were dismissed and went to our next lesson.
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This is totally random :p but I hope you like it

plz comment so I can make it better
