MAC7RX School

Yesterday's Feeling

Bert's P.O.V.

Johnny and I ran out of the school and ran to the train station. We waited for five minuets then our train arrived. We were on the train for about fifteen minuets then we got off the train and made our way to the hospital. I could feel my heart pounding, I was scared that I might have missed my sister, I was also nervous of how my mum would react. Johnny kept smiling at me and saying,

'Everything be okay!'

I tried taking what he said on-board, but I was so scared. I just wished my sister was with me and all well and everything was okay, but I knew this isn't right. We got to the hospital, I couldn't go in it was like something was holding me back, Johnny asked me,

'What's wrong Bert?'

'I'm scared to go in, in-case Melanie is dead'

'But what if she isn't dead, and this could be you're last chance to see her'

'Okay, but I know this will seem dodgy, can you please hold my hand!'


He took my hand like I was his farther, and something bad was happening and this was the only way to find shelter from a troubled world. We made out way to I.C. My mum was sat in the waiting room she saw me and came over, she shouted at me,


'What is?'


'What did I do?'


'What?! Are you talking about from three years ago?'


'Well I'm sorry for something that happened three fucking years ago, but right now instead of cursing at me you stupid hag, why don't you concentrate on thinking about Melanie and hoping she gets better'

A nurse came up to me and asked me to wait outside, I did as I was told and passed the note to Johnny to give to my sister.

Johnny's P.O.V.

It's ashame Bert can't see his sister, I went in to see his sister, she was connected to loads of wires. She seemed peaceful but the image of her in the bed helpless was sad. I sat next the bed, and said,

'Erma, I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I'm Johnny I'm a student from were Bert works, he is really worried about you but he can't see you, the story is complicated to tell you, but he did write you a letter incase I'm going to read it out to you.'

I opened the envelope Bert I took out a piece of paper covered in scribbled writing, I read it out load

'Dear Melanie,

I'm sorry if I don't get to talk to you, but you know what Mum's like. Anyway I hope you get better, I will pray for you everyday and I will try and visit you but I don't think there will be a good chance of it happening! Thank you for all the times you've helped me from when I was living on the streets, to when I was a raging alcoholic. I don't show it enough as I could, I love you little sister even when we argued, even when we fought over silly things. I want to make you better, wipe away you're tears when you're boyfriend breaks up with you, I want to see you smile. I hope you get better.

Love Bert xxx

When I looked up I saw his sister's fingers trying to move, I felt tears welling up, this note with so much hope makes an effect to someone getting better. I walked to Bert and told him about his sister, he cried, but cried tears of happiness, I guess he knew he was part of Melanie getting better.