MAC7RX School


Beth's P.O.V.

Everything was restored to normal, Bert's sister is okay and still living and out of her coma, Jack and Ianto are still together, and so on. But today I had a bad feeling, like something was going to go really wrong. When I got to school, Victoria wasn't in, but she had been coming in later than usual. I waited for five minuets then she came through the doors and sat next to me. She was all smiley as usual. Then Mikey came in and said,

'You girls still coming bright and early?'

We nodded, then Bert said,

'Yes, It's annoying all they do is giggle and sing and listen to their god damn music!'

Mikey replied,

'I see you're back to you're usual ways minus the drugs!'

Victoria and I laughed, then Mikey walked off leaving us to get on with whatever.

Victoria's P.O.V.

I had music first with Bob, it was good as always, but it was better when he announced that a couple of bands would be performing in front of the school tomorrow, and our band was one of them. We celebrated very loudly, Bob had to shout at us to get our attention. The rest of the day was all planning, deciding what song, what clothes we were going to wear, and make-up. We bored Bob to tears, but Ianto and Jack were excited, and said they'd our make-up and even get some on Bob. Bob almost ran away when him wearing make-up was mentioned. Em told him,

'I bet you'd suite a little bit of eye-liner, sorry guy-liner'

We all laughed, but Bob went slightly red.

After school we decided to go up town and get everything we need. Johnny was cool with it, and was going to pick me up later on, but I was willing to walk.

Time Lapse

We sent like three hours alone in clothes shop, and over an hour getting make-up to Jack and Ianto's style and standard. It was getting dark as I was waiting for Johnny, I was slightly scared because there wasn't much light, and there was some dodgy look characters around the place. As I was waiting someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me around the corner, I was about to scream but the person covered my mouth, the person whispered in a deep male like voice,


The voice seemed familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was, I said after the uncovered my mouth,

'Who are you?'

The person looked around then whispered,

'It's Rick, you're brother!'

'Rick?!?! What the fuck are you doing here, I thought you was in Scotland!'

'I was, but I got into some trouble!'

'What trouble? Money again?'


'Well go see Mum, she'll be happier to see me than she would you!'

'I was going to walk with you but you seemed to be waiting for someone'

'Yeah, I am still going to'

I pulled away from my brother and walked out to wait for Johnny again, Rick followed me and grabbed hold of me, he asked,

'Who are you waiting for?'

'The tooth fairy!'


'Why does it matter, you ran out leaving me to cope with Mum the depressed wreck!'

'Well, I'm here now!'

'Yeah, because you need help, when everything has been sorted you'll just run away and gamble with money Mum or Gran gives to you'

I was starting to shout, but I couldn't help it this is the second time it's happened.

'It won't happen!'

'You said that last time'

'Well, I've grown up!'


Rick just stood starring at me, then Johnny pulled up when he came out of the car he asked me,

'Why are you starring at this person!'

Before I could say anything, Rick said,

'I'm Rick, Victoria's sister, and who are you?'

'I'm Johnny Seward, bass player for the band 'Avenged Sevenfold' and the guy who's been looking after you're sister after her Mum had been beating her up because she's an alcoholic wreck'

Rick looked to me and said,

'You never told me that!'

I said back,

'You never asked how Mummy was!'

I then turned to Johnny and said,

'Please can we go?'


We got into the car and left my brother behind, Johnny asked me,

'Why did you never tell me you had a brother?'

'Well, he ran off got into debt and into a lot of trouble with gangs because he owed allot of money, he came crawling back to Mum, before she turned the way she is, she gave him some money, and our Gran gave him the rest. He then fucked off again and he has gotten into debt again! So no need to tell you really, I couldn't have lived with him'

'I see, so what are you going to do about it?'

'Nothing, he got into the problem he can solve it'

'But, you know what gangs are like, shooting and stuff!'

'I know, but I don't care, like he didn't care for me when he left me with Mum when she was an emotional wreck because of him'

'I see okay, whatever you're choice'

We spent the rest of the ride in complete silence, but when we got into the house everything returned to normal.