MAC7RX School

Band Performance

Rick's P.O.V.

I can't believe my sister doesn't want me anymore, I mean I know I've lied, cheated and well just been a failure but I thought family were supposed to be there for each other but I was wrong. I used some money I stole and got myself drunk. When I woke up the next morning I heard banging and shouting. As I slowly opened my eyes I saw myself in a small box type room. I walked to a small cracked mirror and looked at myself in the mirror. My face had little bits of blood on it, and my hair was very greasy. I sat back down and started thinking about what happened, then I started having flash backs of a fight with someone, but I couldn't remember who they were. After an hour someone unlocked my door holding a fresh pile of clothes and they had some soap and toothpaste. They said to me,

'Get you're self washed up, put on these clothes and you can go!'

I nodded and weakly said,

'Thanks, can you do me a favor please?'

'Depends on what it is'

'Can you please find out what school my sister goes to, I haven't met up with her yet because I've been living some where else but I came back'

'Okay, can I please have her name?'

'Yeah, Victoria Valentine'

Time Lapse

Victoria's P.O.V.

We got to miss this morning lessons to get our selves ready for the performance. We were all very excited and kept jumping about and ruining our make-up which annoyed Jack and Ianto, but they only joked about it. When we were practicing our song Johnny came down asking for me, we went outside the room and said,

'We just got a call from the police, and you're brother got drunk last night and got involved in a fight'

'I don't care'

I was about to go back into the room, but Johnny stopped me and said,

'But, he's been asking which school you go to, and wants to talk to you now'

'I don't want to talk him!'


Johnny turned around and went away, I went back into the room and everyone was asking about what happened, but I just said,

'It's family it doesn't matter'

They just stared at me then we started practicing the song again. After a few go's of the song it was ready and perfect. We then went to set up the stage, as we were setting up on stage Bert came in, which was very rare, he was asking for me. I followed him to the office and stood waiting was Rick. I was about to turn around and walk back to the stage but he grabbed me in a hug. I almost kicked him but he said,

'Hey Victoria, how are you?'

'I was great but then you turned up'

'What have I done?'

'What have you drunk?'

Rick let go of me, and I turned to face him he looked at me and started to cry. I pulled him into a hug and said,

'So, how much have you drunk?'

'Well, like only 3 bottles of WKD and a small bottle of Smirnoff'

'Only?! No wonder you're fucking pissed'

'I know, but I have nothing else'

'You have mum, you know she loved you more than she did me'

'She isn't at home, nothing is everything is gone'

'Don't lie to me again, is this just because you're drunk?'

'I don't know'

'I don't have time for this, and what the hell is the blood about?'

'One of the guys I owe kind of beat me up a little and shit but you know I have only three more hours or they will do worse'

He started to laugh at this, but I didn't find it funny I went to Bert and asked,

'Can you please look after my brother, he got himself drunk and I can't look after him'

'Why would I?'


'Fine, but you owe me!'


Time Lapse

We could hear the sounds of footsteps and the people chatting. As every minuet passed we got more nervous. We just jumped up and down hoping to get our nerves out but it didn't help. When we heard Mikey talking to the school, we started panicking a bit, when we heard the band name mentioned we got all our instruments ready and walked in front of the curtain. There was a loud cheer, when it went dead silent Tasha started the introduction and we all joined in at the right moment. Bob did our screaming and it was better than it usually was. About half way through the song we heard gun shot, we stopped and at the side of the stage was a man dressed in a black suit, and a smaller man dressed in the same thing, and my brother.