MAC7RX School

Gun Shot

Rick's P.O.V.

I have ruined everything for Victoria I showed up expecting her to care, I got myself drunk, showed up at her school, and I have got myself caught by the people I owe money to.

Flash Back

I was left in the care of Bert the secretary. He seemed pretty nice he got me some water, paracetamol, and black coffee, he made me wait an hour and I felt a bit better but I was throwing up every ten minuets. After about an hour someone came in through the door, one was tall, and had very big muscles, I would be afraid to mess with him, the other was slightly smaller but still had big muscles he seemed kind of familiar but I didn't really pay much attention. I just kept looking at the floor, they then came over and one grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up, the other one started punching me saying,

'So, where's our money?'

'I don't have it'

I was punched again, he then said,

'We told you something bad was going to happen!'

'Well, get on with it!'

'We are, we just want to know were you're sister is?'


I was punched in the face, I could feel a warm liquid coming from my nose and a sharp pain, I just ignored the pain, the smaller one asked me again,

'So, where's you're sister?'

'I don't know'

As I was waiting to be punched again we heard a loud long cheer, and then a guitar being played. The taller guy grabbed onto my arm, the smaller guy did the same to my other arm and dragged me to backstage, the stood at the side of the stage and shot a gun into the air. Everything went silent and everyone was starring at us.

Flash Back Ends

Bob's P.O.V.

We all stood starring at the three guys. One of them came onto the stage and spoke into the microphone, he said,

'Who here, is Victoria Valentine?'

Victoria stood forward and said,

'I am! Why?'

'Well, you know you're brother owes money right?'

'Yeah, what's that got to do with me?'

'Well it's part of the deal'

The guy being held by the two muscle guys broke free and shouted,


He ran and stood in front of the smaller guy, but the smaller guy drew out a gun and pointed it at him. He said,

'Move! Now'

Victoria's brother asked,

'Why? Shoot Me'

I could see the guys grip tighten around the gun and his finger was closing the clutch, and the gun was coming out Victoria stood in front of her brother and was hit by bullet. She fell to the floor and no-one said anything, her brother just stood over her body and started crying. Everyone looked confused, then Jimmy came onto the stage and punched the guy that shot Victoria and Johnny came on stage and picked up the body and got someone to ring the ambulance. I felt tears falling down my face, I was scared and worried that we could lose Victoria. I saw Kat walking over to her brother and she slapped him hard, but I wouldn't blame her.
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Thanks to everyone who has been commenting