MAC7RX School

Suicide Note

Johnny's P.O.V.

It felt weird without Victoria being around, the house was quiet, lessons felt different. I went to see her everyday but there was no change. When we visited her there was nothing happening but the constant beeping of machines. One day Rick came to visit her even though I told him to stay away, he came in holding some flower and what looked like a really old tatty teddy bear he just found on the floor. I looked up at him, he looked back at me, I asked him,

'Why are you here?'

'I'm going, there no point in me staying Vic will hate me for the rest of our life, and I'm just going to go, but I wanted to drop off her favorite teddy she gave it to me when I first went away, she was about four or five, and I got some of her favorite flowers! I'm not staying long don't worry'

'When are you going?'

'When I've dropped off this stuff, and said 'goodbye' even though she won't hear me'


I just sat back and watched Rick place the teddy on the bed side table, he made sure the teddy faced her and he placed the floors in a small vase he found in the cupboard of the bed side table, he didn't say anything but he turned to me, and passed me a envelope, he said,

'Please give this to Vic if she wakes up, I'm going now'

I watched Rick walk out, I then looked down at the envelope I opened it and muttered it under my breath.

Dear Victoria,

I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry for everything that happened. I am going to leave permanently I'm leaving the city, I'm leaving your life so you will never have to see me again. I brought you 'Beary' the bear you gave me when you was five and I was seventeen. I looked after him no matter were I went, he reminded me that you cared and would be there when nothing was okay. I am sorry for all that happened, I loved you more than mum or dad do.

Lots of love

p.s. You will never hear from me again

I thought about the letter, then muttered, 'shit' and ran off.

Rick's P.O.V.

I looked over the cliff near the hospital, I felt the cool breeze brushing my face, I felt tears but I knew there was no other way out of this. I took my gun out of my pocket and placed it to my head, I also took another step forward. I stood still for ten minuets then I heard someone shouting,


It sounded like Johnny, but why would he shout my name, I heard my name being shouted again, then silence. I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on the gun, then I was wrestled to the ground, I looked up and staring me in the face was Johnny, I screamed,


He screamed back,



Johnny calmly said,

'You are her brother, you are the only family member she has left she can actually see, and the only one that actually cares! You do this she will have no family'

I calmly replied,

'I know, but I can't stand thinking I'm the reason she could be dead, I'm the reason she will never probably be the same!'

'And, if you kill you're self you'll be the reason she has no hope left! Now will you stop being stupid and get into the hospital and be there helping her get better'

'If you get off me!'

Johnny got up and helped me up, I slowly walked to the hospital, then when Johnny wasn't paying any attention I ran off. I thought I was getting away but I was tackled again, but this time it was someone taller. I screamed,


But they wouldn't I looked up and staring at me was Dad.

Time Lapse

We were sat in the hospital next to Vic's bed. I kept looking at the floor, while Johnny, and Mikey explained everything to Dad. After everything was explained Dad came over and made me stand up and face him, he said to me,

'You are a stupid motherfucker! How the fuck could you go away and leave Victoria with you're Mother!'

I felt anger bubbling up in me, I don't get along with my dad, I said back,

'You left too, so I'm not the only one to be blamed!'

'I know, but I had to serve our country, you had what to do?'


He shouted back at me,


Tears were falling down my face, I knew I was going to be told to stop being a pansy, but nothing was going to right, as I was waiting to be shouted at, there was a little bit of movement coming from Vic, Dad was watching over Vic, I just stood still feeling worse than I did before.

Dad's (Victoria and Rick's dad) P.O.V.

I can't believe what to happened while I was gone, Victoria got beat up by her mother my soon to be ex-wife, and she got shot because of her brother's mistakes. I'm not going back to the navy I'm going to stay around and look after Victoria, I'm glad Johnny looked after her. I have no idea what to do about Rick but I know he has allot to pay for. Over a few days Victoria was able to move her hands a little bit, but there wasn't much happening but still it proves she is getting better.