MAC7RX School


Ianto's P.O.V.

Johnny has been acting weirdly around Kat recently, whenever she's around he either goes really red, or can't speak properly. I tried asking him what's wrong but he just said 'nothing' so one day I decided to ask Jack,



'I'm worried!'




'Well...Whenever Kat is around he either goes bright red or can't talk properly to her, I tried asking him what was wrong he said nothing'

'He has a crush on Kat...Duh!'



Time Lapse

When I got home from walking Jack home I went to talk to Johnny.

Johnny's P.O.V.

I had been playing 'halo 3' on my 'xbox360' then Ianto came in and switched off my 'xbox360' when I was reaching a top score and becoming the best on 'halo 3' in the entire world. I shouted at him,


'Ignoring the fagot thing...I wanted to ask you something!'

'This had better be important!'

I didn't know what to expect but it shocked me when he asked,

'Do you have a crush on Kat?'

I felt myself going bright red and I couldn't stop it, I couldn't even come out with the correct answer, I just murmured some gibberish then I nodded my head because I knew I wouldn't be able to say yes. Ianto just looked at me and went 'Aw' As in it's very cute. I just buried my head in a pillow and I felt ashamed because I have never shown this side of me. I felt Ianto sitting next to me he patted my back and he asked,

'Are you going to ask her out?'

'I don't know'

We spent about an hour discussing it but in the end I just kicked him out and just thought about it going to sleep but I still didn't know what to do when I woke up.

Time Lapse

Ianto's P.O.V.

Johnny and I met up with Kat in town, I decided to ask Kat out for Johnny, I know I would be killed for it but I need to do it for him. When Johnny was trying on a pair of new skinnies, I didn't beat around the bush I just asked her,

'Kat...Will you go out with Johnny?'

At hat moment Johnny came walking out and heard what I asked Kat, and he just ran off forgetting he was wearing the pants still and when he got out of the shop so security had to chase him.