MAC7RX School

Anger, pain Heartache

Everything has been going perfectly these last few weeks, I have an amazing boyfriend, and the atmosphere is returning to normal with the exception of Victoria missing, but recently Bekki has been getting alto more angrier, and colder towards me. In art we sit next to each other, but the past couple of lessons she has been ignoring me. I asked her,

'What's wrong Bekki, that bitch been giving you shit?'

She replied coldly and harshly,

'Which bitch?!'

'The chav! The one that insults your music!'

'Oh, not her there's another bitch now!'

'Who is it?'

She just ignored me and hasn't spoken to me since.


I can't believe Kat and Johnny are going out, I mean I really like Johnny but that bitch got to him before I did. I haven't been able to control how I feel about it so I have been punching a few walls. But one night I almost broken all the fingers in my bones. Ville noticed the plaster on my fingers and asked me,

'What happened Bekki?'

I just looked at the floor, trying to get rid of the rage inside of me, but I calmly replied,

'It doesn't matter!'

I could feel him looking at me stern but also worried then he spoke,

'It does if you have a plaster on your hand and it is swollen to popping like a balloon'

I just looked at the floor, and decided to tell him the truth,

'It's, because, Kat is going out with...Johnny and I never got a chance, but I just feel hurt!'

He smiled at me then asked,

'So, you're taking it out on yourself, and Kat!'

I nodded then I felt arm wrapping around me, I looked up and standing there was Jimmy's son, who was new to school I had been friends with him and showing him around because he was in all of my classes. He said to me,

'I was checking you was okay!'

I looked at Ville evilly then I nodded at Jimmy jn. and smiled.

Kat's P.O.V.

Bekki came back in with Ville and Jimmy jn. but she didn;' look at me evilly this time, instead she came over and hugged me and said,

'I'm sorry, and I won't tell your he reason because it's stupid and there would be no point!'

I accepted the apology and we returned to joking about, but I took a little guess at the reason why.