MAC7RX School

Suicide Destroyer

Victoria's P.O.V.

I sat at the edge of a table with my bass guitar balanced on my lap, we were all watching Tasha and Bob having a face off. It was a closed battle but no-one could beat Tasha. After a while Mr Bryar came walking into the room then he announced,

'Bob, I don't know why you bother, you know no-one can beat Tasha!'

Tasha turned away from Bob and had a huge cheeky grin spread across her face.

Time Lapse

We practiced none stop, by the end of it my fingers were covered in blistered, Bob and Tasha went through three packets of guitar strings, Lindsey went through too many drum sticks. But by the end of it we were prepared to go in front of the school.

Beth's P.O.V.

When it was time to go on stage we all started to freak out but I was the most nervous because I hadn't played piano in front of many people.

It was time for the performance Kat and I had to walk onto the stage ourselves to being the show. I looked at my fingers before i pressed them onto the keys, I was shaking but as soon as I got past the few notes I regained normality. I played a slow 'Evanescence' styled song but with a bit of twist, then Kat began the song, after a slow introduction Tasha started doing her riff, then there was a loud crashing of drums and the song actually kicked in. Half way through the song there was a constant screaming, i looked around then saw Bob's concentrated face while he was screaming it was amazing.

Mikey's P.O.V.

The band was amazing I felt bad that I had to have their performance so short but it was almost the end of the school year, at the end of their last song there was a loud cheer, then I walked onto the stage and then there was a silence, I looked into the crowd and smiled then said,

'Well, I'm sad that we can't hear anymore songs but it's the last day of school as you all know! So I just wanted to say thanks for an awesome year and I can't wait for school again but the next six weeks are going to go slowly but anyway hope you all have fun and because I just want to hear one more song I think, 'Suicide Destroyer' will be willing to play us one more song!'

As soon as the words left my mouth they all jumped onto stage then started their last song, with huge beaming smiles on their faces.
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This is officially the last chapter, but there will be a sequel at some point. It will be bigger, better and more fighting and blood.