MAC7RX School

Life With Johnny

Kat's POV

I cannot believe Victoria is staying at Johnny's house, I'm guessing it was bad, I know Bob mentioned something about Victoria but I wasn't in until second period with Zacky for History. When Victoria came back in I asked her,

'So, why are you living with Johnny?'

She explained about her background, and what happened this morning. She ended by saying,

'You really can tell Mikey anything, he's so nice about it!'




Time lapse 1Hour

Victoria's POV

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about going home and being beaten by my mum. I waited for Johnny at the office, but I was getting scared because every five minuets Bert would shout, 'WHEN THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE YOU'RE FUCKING ASS!' But I ignored him. When I saw Johnny coming down the corridor I stood up and smiled, he smiled back and said,

'My place is a bit of a tip, but I'm sure you'll be able to survive!'

I laughed and said,

'Thanks for putting up with me! I will pay you if I can find a job!'

'You don't have to pay, just chip in if you can, there's only you, me and my cat, and my bass guitars.'

I was grinning like a Cheshire cat when he said bass guitar, he must have noticed, and said,

'You play bass?'

I nodded and told him about this morning in Mikey's office. He chuckled and said,

'We've got to have a jamming session at some point!'


I was excited by this idea, he said,

'Yeah, I'll even teach you a couple of songs!'

On the journey home we listened to Avenged Sevenfold, and when I made comments about Jimmy or Brian he would go grumpy, but was joking. When we went around a corner we was faced with a nice average sized house. Inside it looked really modern and recent. I had a room upstairs next to his, he showed me the bathroom and stuff like that. One room in the house, I loved it was full of guitars and games consoles. I admired the guitars and then Johnny said,

'Right, what game shall we play?'

I suggested,

'How about, Halo 3?'

He grinned at the idea and asked,

'You play video games?'

'When I can, I'm not very good at it though!'

'I bet you are, come on two player?'

I nodded and we spent the rest of the evening playing Halo 3.
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I have had a request for my friend to be in the story so she'll be in it next time ;p