MAC7RX School

Bekki's Anger

Victoria's POV

I have to be at school earlier, but I don't mind, as long as I avoid talking to Bert and making eye contact with him. Anyway today was a day dedicated to some author and we had double Jimmy. He wasn't happy about the day because he had to read out a couple of extracts from the crap author so he said we could listen to music while we 'read' the extracts. Half way through the lesson thought someone called Bekki got angry, and the last time she did get angry she ended up taking a door off it's hinges.

Bekki's POV

Oh my god, my mp3 player died, and music keeps me calm but it's the thing that just made me angry. I started screaming allot of swear words out loud hoping I could get my anger out that way, but I just angrier because I couldn't stop getting angry. I stormed out of the class room, leaving jimmy saying, 'Bekki get back here remember what I told you!' But I just carried walking away. Ville Valo the art teacher was walking down the hall, and he was one of the only teachers that was nice about my anger. He stopped em and asked,

'Has something happened love?'

I took a deep breath then said angrily,

'I'm just having a shit day today!'

'Well, I have no lesson now, so wanna go to my room have a coffee and talk about it?'

I nodded, I knew it was better than Jimmy trying to talk to me, I followed him to his art room and he sat me in my place, then went to make a coffee. After five minuets he came back with two hot mugs of coffee, he warned me to let them cool down. Then asked,

'So, what's happened Bekki?'

'Well, when I woke up Tanya, the stupid chav hid my Cd's, but luckily I had my mp3 player on me at all times, and when I went downstairs the social worker was nagging about my taste in music. I hate that women always saying, 'maybe if you listened to something different you wouldn't be so angry' WHEN SHE KNOW FUCK ALL'

Ville listened, then said,

'Well maybe you should try to set up some form of agreement with Tanya!'


'Just try, and possibly explain to the social worker that the music you listen to is you way of getting away from shit!'

I nodded and agreed, then we spent the rest of that period discussing Bert being a grumpy ass and joking.

I went to my second lesson which was Science with gee, I liked this lesson especially when he blows something up, or sets something on fire, I always thing of a chav being the thing on fire or in ashes and I was the acid killing them and changing them. I thought today was going to go like any other day, until I found out we had a substitute and it was the overrated guitarist Slash, god I hate him he gets so much attention when there are better guitarists around that are better than him. I prayed I didn't get angry again, but then he started going on about his awesome guitar skills, at that point I stood up and walked out of the room, and skipped the rest of school.
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Bekki isn't really like this in real life, but does trhink Slash is over rated