MAC7RX School


Bob's POV

I cannot believe I'm going out with Em, she is so pretty, and I cannot get over how cute she is when I confuse her. She is also stopping me from cutting as often, but I still do, and I still take drugs but no-one knows. On the day I went to see Em's family I ended up taking drugs after that. Anyway when I went to Em's house I was nervous, because i knew her mum was model, and probably well respected, and she has two younger sisters that are twins.

As soon as we stepped foot in the door he sisters came running over and said to Em,

'How much did you pay him to come here with you're ugly mug!'

She almost ran off crying, but before she could I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me and whispered in her ear,

'I'm here, don't go off, remember you are drop dead gorgeous! Just ignore them!'

Se relaxed ab it, and then her mum came running in, in a motherly sort of fashion. I waited for her to hug and say hi to Em, then she turned to me and said,

'So, you must be Robert, correct?'

I politely replied,

'I am indeed, and you are Em's mum right?'

'I am indeed, you're the first boyfriend she's ever brought around, and she's told me allot about you!'

I blushed slightly and said,

'It's wonderful to meet you!'

I smiled, then one of her sister turned to me and said,

'I'll pay you double to what Em is paying you to dump her and leave to kill herself!'

Her mum turned around and said,

'Don't be so rude to you're sister, or this nice gentlemen!'

I then said,

'Why would Emily need to pay me, when I love her!'

The other twin joined in saying,

'Wow, you're a good actor! Maybe I could date you instead of ugly old Em over there you know I look better and I probably am better!'

Em looked really upset and she ran upstairs before I could say or do anything. I looked to her mum and asked,

'Is it okay if I check she's OK, she's had a pretty busy week!'

She nodded, and i ran up the stairs and soon caught up with Em, I grabbed her hand, she let go, I grabbed her again, she let go again this time I grabbed her waist, turned her around to face me and pulled her towards me and held her close and wouldn't let her go until she relaxed. I let her go, but held her shoulder and looked her in the eyes,

'I love you, I wouldn't replace you for anyone!'

She smiled weakly then she looked up at me and said,

'I love you too, and I am sorry about my sisters, I know they are evil little shits!'

I laughed but not evilly, then I pulled her closer and hugged her. Then her older brother came out and said,

'Dudes, get a room!'

She jokingly punched him on his arm. He laughed at her, then he turned to me and said,

'You must be Bob, I'm Damien!'

He help his hand out, I shook it then he pulled him closer so that Em couldn't hear what he said to me,

'You're her first boyfriend, hurt her, I will hurt you!'

I looked at him scared and nodded. I would never want to hurt her, why would I.

Time Lapse : 1 Hour

We were sat at the dinner table eating a wonderful meal, but during the meal I was sat next to one of her twin sisters, I couldn't tell which one but she kept putting her hand on my leg, I was worried, and the sister that sat across the table from me kept running her foot up my leg. I kept getting really uncomfortable, but I couldn't move.

After dinner we sat in the lounge, luckily I sat on the couch away from her sisters, and brother. Her mum was washing up, I did offer but she said no. But her brother went to help her, so it was just me and my wonderful Em, and her sisters. But then Em had to go then I was left with her sisters, as soon as they heard Em go upstairs they came and sat on either side of me, and they put there arms in my arms, I tried moving but they just followed me. They would say to me,

'Oh, come one, I really really want you, especially in bed.'

I stood up, and tried making an excuse but one just say me down again, and kissed me and at that precise point Damien came in to the room.