‹ Prequel: Where Dead Angels Lie
Status: Complete. =)

Dream Yourself Far Away

Anything & Everything

(Ahh Ahh x5)

It's the fear I say, of letting anyone get close to me, it's painful for me to know I'll never let anyone close again, it's the fear I can say that is killing everything, and will we swim in the shining moonlit waters in the night? Oceans away from the wakeful day (My fall will be for you!) If you were the one to cut me I would bleed forever, scent of the bleed before the wakinf of fair world...dreams made to be into the blue memory...


My fall will be for you, blind heart, my love will be for you, if you cut me I would bleed forever into the cold and away from here! Siren from the deep, call my name I'm longing for a fair true world to call my own and that's the dream of mine worth everything I may ever win,. you know I'd give anythig & everything to be free of it all, it's an angel's call in the storm of life without care! More than love....


(Ahh Ahh x5)

My fall was for you, you just left me out and I left for a new beginning, I need a guardian to show me the proper way to the gates of existence, please help, please help me my love it's a new day for my new home...heart of a child we'll find a sound as another love goes cold and it beats to the falling rain, burning below the heart that beats is a molting black pile of ash!

(Chorus x3)

For the child, forever flows in me because it longs! For the soul I once had! (*siren chants*) Heaven today is but a way for my new day to understand the weight of the day, faded in time I dont need help to hold on for my weak and hoping heart, I believe in fantasy and everything I could ever be....FOR THE HEART I'LL NEVER HAVE AND FOR THE CHILD IN ME FOREVER IN DEATH! FOREVER IN DEATH! THE MUSIC FLOWED BECAUSE IT LONGS FOR THE LOVE I ONCE FELT.

(Chorus x3)

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Excuse me for my shitty writing crap, I've got SIXTY-FRICKIN-FOUR more to go people. :)