I've Got A Secret, Please Don't Repeat It

chapter one'

Rebecca Cortez had done a lot of things in her life, both the good and the bad. She was able to survive the rough patches with a smile on her face, she hurdled the obstacles that were put in her path, but when it came time to say good-bye to her dream job, she collapsed.

This was only the second time in her life when she had collapsed during a rough patch; the first was with her injury during the height of her soccer career. Even after she recovered, she couldn’t bring herself to go back to the sport she dearly loved. Instead, she slowly worked her way into the sport, becoming a sports trainer.

She was a sports trainer with a big reputation, probably because of her fantastic but short soccer career. Rebecca threw herself into her work, and it definitely paid off as she had spent the last two years of her professional career in Madrid, Spain. Rebecca had landed a job with one of the best physiotherapy clinics in all of Madrid, catering to some of Spain’s best athletes.

She couldn’t believe her eyes, when her new boss (who seemed to have the ‘eyes’ for her) told her that she wouldn’t be working her way up the chain of seniority. Rather, she was at the top. Rebecca was placed with her first celebrity athlete and his name was Rafael Nadal. Yes, the Rafael Nadal. She helped him through his second victory at Roland Garros and his lost at Wimbledon. She’d hate to admit but, she did fall for Rafa, a fan girl crush that developed into an inseparable friendship.

This bond between Rebecca and Rafa would be the catalyst of Rebecca’s career, pushing her to new limitations, to new heights. They were there for each other everyday, through the defeats, bad days and let-downs.

This is the story of Rebecca Maria Cortez, a story of death, abuse and falling in love with the wrong people.
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"You're running through my veins you feel like a freight train."
~ The Maine